
今年报考东南大学仪器科学与技术一级学科,报考的研究方向为测试技术与智能系统。我的考研成绩是362分(政治:68 英语:65 数学:90 电路:139)。因为我对无线传感网络以及射频识别方面有着浓厚的兴趣,也深知现在这两个方面都有着巨大的发展前景,我个人认为兴趣是最好的老师,也是最大的动力,所以我非常期望能够读您的研究生,以便能够对这方面进行深入的学习和研究。当初之所以选择报考东南大学,就是因为在导师信息中看到了关于您的研究方向,所以当初就下定决心,努力考研,来读取您的研究生。


第1个回答  2009-04-05
Discipline registering for examination of Southeast University instrument science and technology first order this year, the go into direction registering for examination of is measurement and data processing and intelligent system. My take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools achievement is 362-tenths of (politics: 68 English: 65 mathematicses: 90 circuits: 139). Have deep interest because of I distinguish aspect to the wireless sensory network and radio frequency , also know very well that this two aspect all has the gigantic development prospect now, my individual thinks that interest is a best teacher , is also maximal driving force, therefore I expect to be able to read your graduate student very much, to be able to carry out thorough study about on this aspect and study. Chose the university who registers for examination of southeast originally , were because of the take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools studying originally would be resolute, direction , reason why , made great efforts having seen that in information about you in director , came to fetch your graduate student. I want to say my take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools purpose secondly , first, I not being for educational background but take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate school, at one's side many inkstone being in the same school being for educational background but having a test in, has been to take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate school in order to proofread or , I have discovered (the monolithic machine , the implantation are dyadic) self interest gradually in university, with nearest Zigbee technology being on the rise for 2 years for 4 years , (I have understood the trend also let my depth experience from having a line to be one kind of necessity to wireless development without the knowledge of like this to me is right), in short ,I am for learning to arrive at knowledge , take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate school to gain independence doing the project ability, I have a test in the target grinding also very definitely , certain if self is interested in. Therefore I am true expect to be able to read your graduate student very much. During the period of university, fairly, my achievement not bad , had held many times scholarship , English to pass six exhaustions, the computer had had a test in the programmer certificate , country two C language acquisition has been excellent. The ability is fairly not bad , is hit by in the common experiment , curriculum design though I had not participated in the electron contest, but I regard as my getting to work during university, I am able to understand teacher meaning of comparatively quickly , I choose C language , the independent programming courageously in 51 monolithic machine curriculum design , realize whose function successfully by testing time be loaded with operation the queen.本回答被提问者采纳