It was Wilhelm von Humboldt who made the vital connection between language and culture, language and behavior. For Humboldt language was something dynamic, an activity (energeia) rather than a static inventory of items as the product of activity (ergon) . At the same time language is an expression both of the culture and the individuality of the speaker, who perceives the world through language. A century later, these ideas were echoed in American ethno linguistics by Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf, resulting in the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, or principle of linguistic relativity, which maintains that thought does not “precede” language, but on the contrary it is conditioned by it, As with Humboldt, such conclusions were based on detailed study of barely accessible “exotic” languages such an those of the American Indians. Whorf , maintained, for example, that the verb system in Hopi directly affected the speaker’s conception of time. Similar conclusions have been reached research into the scholar can only approach some understanding of that world if he deals with it in its own concepts and in its own terms , without imposing 20th century European concepts and values upon it.
The principle of linguistic relativity has far-reaching implications for translations. Taken to its extreme, the notion that language conditions thought and that both are inextricably bound up with the individual culture of the community that speaks the language concerned would mean that ultimately translation is impossible.
The opposite point of view , ironically, also goes back to Wilhelm von Humboldt: it is the principle of language universals propagated by Chomsky and the school of generative grammar. Chomsky’s concept of deep structure and surface structure is a development of Humboldt’s theory of “inner” and “outer” form in language. In this view translation is a “recoding” or change of surface structure in representation of the-----non-linguistic and ultimately universal---deep structure underlying it. Taken to its extreme, this principle means that everything is translatable.
【サンプル】样品。这也是贸易往来中几乎每天都会用的词。【テープ】这个词有很多种类,最普通的是指胶带,但这里我不知道具体指的是那种【テープ】,我就按胶带给你翻了。【H贴り】找张图给你看最直接了。像H一样,所以叫【H贴り】。请参考下图 有不理解的可以追问。希望对你有帮助。
I am go to school for lessons every monday to friday.每周一至周五我都要去学校上课。I do reading novels when I finish my homeworks after class.放学后,我会在完成作业后,看些小说。Pop music and thriller are my favorite.我喜欢流行音乐,看恐怖小说。Music helps to relax me and re...
On July 5th, we started our US trip organized by our school.14个小时的飞机后,我们来到了美国纽约,这是美国东部的一个大城市,也给我留下了最深的印象。高楼大厦,长相奇怪的车子,一成不染的道路,以及美国人特有的肤色,特有的体形,都让我惊讶无比。也只有这才知道,自己只是一只井底之蛙...
你好 “我们是可以用银行卡付款的,但是你要告诉我,你要的是怎么样的产品,我才能发货,比如产品的尺寸,厚度,颜色,规格。等等具体的要求。这样我才能发货。”翻译成英语是:We can use the bank card payment, but you have to tell me, you want to be what kind of product, I can ship,...
I enjoyed myself very much this summer holiday.参考资料:我的脑袋
注意,由于考虑到翻译要注意英语表达的习惯,里面的句子没有句句照着直译。译文如下:现行教材对农村英语教学缺乏的实用性。现行的英语新教材大多图文并茂、形式活泼。内容丰富,符合中小学生的年龄及个性特征。但新教材的素材基本以城市生活为中心,与农村实际脱节,造成教学的困难。Nowadays, the Teaching ...
无效认证领土 6 英方
mind开阔眼界 i wish to challenge myself and broaden my mind by seeing the outside world.there is a great deal of history and culture in Chinese language approximately\/roughly,how many people are there in class?不过我觉得这里的大约最好不要翻出来。因为疑问句通常都是问的约数。