
像you don't miss your water、unbelieveable这种,都满好听的,不能太老的歌曲,还有像西城男孩、后街还是avail都不用了。
像那些经典的,比如cry on my shoulder 就不用了,并且希望能给个链接。



不好听,你打我! 包你满意!

a perfect indian-------Sinead O'connor
Sinead O'connor 的声音优雅,空灵,能穿透心灵,触动你心底最深那根弦.


never meant to be----samantha mumba


with him-----baby face

baby face的好歌无限,在这里介绍其中一首,我就不罗嗦了,他的魅力有谁会怀疑?

imagine me without you----jaci


living to love you-------sarah connor

推荐的第一首歌肯定是精品,不用怀疑.sarah的just one last dance 和from sarah with love的出名程度不用多说,但这首living to love you听起来也同样有味道哦

all good things----nelly furtado

这一首应该算得上是nelly的经典了吧??轻快的节奏,却唱出了why do all goodthings come to an end的茫然。这是一种什么样的感觉?请你不要错过。

Unbreak my heart----toni braxton (沙哑的嗓音配上伤感的旋律,T,T)

Fairy tale-----toni braxton (原来童话里的爱情终究只是童话)

cry on my shoulder----Bonnie Raitt (心累了的时候,听听这歌,安慰啊)

when you told me you loved me------Jessica (伤感,凄美,无奈。。。)

here in my heart-----plus one (男生对心爱女生的深情告白)

stay------Tonya mitchell (虽然爱远去了,曾经的感觉却依然刻骨铭心)

it's not goodbye (很好听的一首歌,同样也很伤感)

adagio------lara (夜深人静的时候听这首歌,真的会流泪)

angel on my shoulder (好听不需要理由)

that's why you go away----迈克学摇滚(这首绝对不比后街,西城的歌差!)

insatiable------Darren (暧昧的嗓音,缠绵的旋律,爱情这东西。。)

creeping up on you-----Darren (很多人都一听就喜欢上了,的确好听)

loneliness-----babyface (安七炫的“面具”就是抄袭这歌,听听就知道了)

everything but the girl----Darin (好听好听,而且是个大帅哥唱的哦·)

I'm all about you-----Aaron Carter (我觉得这是AC最好听的一首歌)

Never again---Justin Timberlake (干净的钢琴伴奏+JT迷人的嗓音,完美)

hurt-----Christina (真正的天籁之音啊)

only love (经典,百听不厌)

anger management-----lovage (诗一般的歌词,梦一般的曲调,只是很伤感)

shape of my heart-----sting (这个杀手不太冷的主题曲,超级感人)


以上 都是我这些年来 听过的 最最最好听的歌,花了一个小时总结出来的!

第1个回答  2018-06-26
Mediaeval Baebes
《寂静之声The Sound of silence》多明妮嘉Dominica

《给路卡的摇篮曲Lullaby for Lucas》超快感乐团Standfast
《晴空百灵Lark In The Clear Air》卡兰.迪伦Cara Dillon
《山歌Mountain Song》Maria Solheim
《失去的爱Love's Labour Lost》Love Spirals Downward
《死在阳光下Dying in the sun》卡百利Cranberries(小红莓合唱团)

《岁月如弦Time Stands Still》Valerie Diane
《微风Breeze》苏菲·珊曼妮Sophie Zelmani
《我的呼吸Breathe Me》Sia
《我们是,一家人We Are One》Kelly Sweet
《疯掉的世界Mad WorldMad World》艾丽克丝Alex Parks
《夏之雪Summer Snow》Sissel本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2009-03-20
the show - Lenka
pieces of me - ashlee simpson
outta my head - ashlee simpson
boyfriend - ashlee simpson
i am me -ashlee simpson
he said she said - Ashley Tisdale
not like that - Ashley Tisdale
suddenly - Ashley Tisdale
like it loud - Cassie Davis
where'd you go - Fort Minor
stranger - Hilary Duff
wake up - Hilary Duff
come clean - Hilary Duff
why not - Hilary Duff
holiday - Hilary Duff
come on over - Jessica Simpson
i decide - Jordan McCoy
i'm gone - Jordan Pruitt
solo - Kate Havnevik
everywhere i go - Katharine McPhee
each other - Katharine McPhee
smile - Lily Allen
the fear - Lily Allen
burn - Maria Arredondo
mad summer - Maria Arredondo
7 things - Miley Cyrus
the climb- Miley Cyrus
beautiful eyes - Taylor Swift
love story - Taylor Swift
our song - Taylor Swift
song 6 - Daniel Powter
bad day - Daniel Powter
free loop -Daniel Powter
best of me -Daniel Powter
1973 - James Blunt
you're beautiful -James Blunt
tears and rain - James Blunt
i'm yours - Jason Mraz
if i never see your face again - Maroon 5
makes me wonder - Maroon 5
wake up call - Maroon 5
nothing last forever - Maroon 5
she will be loved - Maroon 5
crush - David Archuleta
7 days - Craig David
apologize - Timbaland
第3个回答  2018-12-09
lady gaga的the cure ,heal me,hair body face,edge of glory

第4个回答  2012-05-24
Cody Simpson 的:
All Day
Don't cry to your heart out
you da one
not just you
as good as it get
oh my mind

Greyson Chance的:
Slipping Away
Running Away
Waiting outside the line
unfriend you
light up the dark
hold on till the night
Home In your eyes
这些都是英文歌,但都超好听,都很有节奏感,旋律超好,你先听一下Slipping Away,我保证你会爱上这首歌的!我超赞Cody和Greyson,建议你听听哦