

当我没有什么事做时,便让我不做什么事 ,不受骚扰地沉入安静深处吧, 一如海水沉默时海边的暮色。 Let my doing nothing when I have nothin g to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the se ashore when the water is silent.

我的晚色从陌生的树木中走来,它用我的 晓星所不懂得的语言说话。 My evening came among the alien trees and spoke in a language which my morning stars did not know.

夜之黑暗是一只口袋,迸出黎明的金光。 Night's darkness is a bag that bursts with the gold of the dawn. 我们的欲望把彩虹的颜色借给那只不过是 云雾的人生。 Our desire lends the colours of the rainb ow to the mere mists and vapours of life.

神等待着,要从人的手上把他自己的花朵 作为礼物赢得回去。 God waits to win back his own flowers as gifts from man's hands.

我的忧思缠绕着我,要问我它自己的名字 。 My sad thoughts tease me asking me th eir own names.

果的事业是尊贵的,花的事业是甜美的; 但是让我做叶的事业吧,叶是谦 逊地,专心地垂着绿荫的。 The service of the fruit is precious, the se rvice of the flower is sweet, but let my service be the service of the leaves in its shade of humble devotion.

我的心向着阑珊的风张了帆,要到无论何 处的荫凉之岛去。 My heart has spread its sails to the idle winds for the shadowy island of Anywhere.

当我没有什么事做时,便让我不做什么事 ,不受骚扰地沉入安静深处吧, 一如海水沉默时海边的暮色。 Let my doing nothing when I have nothin g to do become untroubled in its depth of peace like the evening in the se ashore when the water is silent.

我的晚色从陌生的树木中走来,它用我的 晓星所不懂得的语言说话。 My evening came among the alien trees and spoke in a language which my morning stars did not know.追问



