
.“扑”的只一拳,正打在鼻子上,打得鲜血迸流,鼻子歪在半边,却便似开了酱油铺,咸的、酸的、辣的、一发都滚出来。••••••提出拳头来,就眼眶眉际梢只一拳,打得眼棱缝裂,乌珠迸出,也似开了个彩帛铺,红的、黑的、绛的、都淀将出来。••••••又只一拳,太阳穴上正着,却似做了个全堂水陆道场,磬儿、钹儿、铙儿,一齐响。” (施耐庵《水浒传》)

. “throws” an only fist, is hitting on the nose, hits the blood to jump the class, the nose crookedly in the half, actually then resembled the soy sauce shop, salty, the acid, spicy, a round rolled. Proposes the fist to come, on an eye socket eyebrow border tree top only fist, hits the eye opening crack, the pupil of eye boils up, also resembled the color silks shop, red, black, deep red, will settle will come out. Also an only fist, on the temples, was actually resembling has made the entire hall amphibious Buddhist temple, Qing, the cymbals, the large cymbal, made a sound in once.”
第1个回答  2009-06-05
"Bashing" the only blow is hit in the nose, the play blood spurt flow askew nose in the half, but opened便似Shop soy sauce, salty, sour, spicy, and roll out all out. • • • • • • raised fist, the eyebrow on the occasion of orbital blow just shoot, play eye edge seam split, Wu Chu迸出, may also open a shop silk color, red, black, purple-red, are lake will be out. • • • • • • and only blow, is a temple,却似done a full-tang surface Daochang, Qing infants, children cymbals, Nao children ring together. "
第2个回答  2009-06-02
“throws” an only fist, is hitting on the nose, hits the blood to jump the class, the nose crookedly in the half, actually then resembled the soy sauce shop, salty, the acid, spicy, a round rolled. Proposes the fist to come, on an eye socket eyebrow border tree top only fist, hits the eye opening crack, the pupil of eye boils up, also resembled the color silks shop, red, black, deep red, will settle will come out. Also an only fist, on the temples, was actually resembling has made the entire hall amphibious Buddhist temple, Qing, the cymbals, the large cymbal, made a sound in once.”
第3个回答  2009-06-07
“throws” an only fist, is hitting on the nose, hits the blood to jump the classvcshop, salty, veye socket eyebrow border tree top only fist, hits the eye the pupil of eye boils up, also resembled the color silks shop, red, black, deep was actually resembling has made the entire hall amphibious Buddhist temple, Qing, the cymbals, the large cymbal, xin once.”


the large cymbal, made a sound in once.”

郑屠右手拿刀,左手便来要揪鲁达;被这鲁提辖就势按住左手,赶将入去,望 小腹上只一脚,腾地倒在当街上。鲁达再入一步,踏住胸脯,提着醋钵儿大小拳头,看着这郑屠道:“洒家始投 老种经略相公,做到关西五路廉访使,也不枉了叫做”郑关西!”你是个卖肉的操刀屠户,狗一般的人,也叫做“郑关...


郑屠右手拿刀,左手便要来揪鲁达;被这鲁提辖就势按住左手,赶将 入去,望小腹上只一脚,腾地踢倒在当街上。鲁达再入一步,踏住胸脯,提起那醋钵儿大小拳头,看着这郑屠道:“洒家始投老种经略相公,做到关西五路廉访使,也不枉了叫做‘镇关西’!你是个卖肉的操刀屠户,狗一般的人,也叫做‘镇关西’!你如何强骗了 ...

《鲁提辖拳打镇关西》的故事出自《水浒传》原著第三回,《水浒传》原名《江湖豪客传》或《水浒全传》,美国记者翻译书名为《all men are brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)》,《水浒传》的题目是由罗贯中所命。《水浒传》的作者历来有争议,一般人认为是施耐庵据民间流传宋江起义的故事所写的。2、武松打虎...

1、《鲁提辖拳打镇关西》这一故事出自《水浒传》第三回,该书亦称《江湖豪客传》或《水浒全传》,美国记者翻译时称之为《all men are brothers(四海之内皆兄弟)》。关于《水浒传》的作者,通常认为是施耐庵基于民间流传的宋江起义故事所著。2、武松打虎是《水浒传》中的经典故事。武松回乡探亲途中...


第三回 史大郎夜走华阴县 鲁提辖拳打镇关西 话说当时史进道:“却怎生是好?”朱武等三个头领跪下答道:“哥哥,你是干净的人,休为我等连累了。大郎可把索来绑缚我三个,出去请赏,免得负累了你不好看。”史进道:“如何使得!恁地时,是我赚你们来,捉你请赏,枉惹天下人笑。我若是死时,与你们同死,活时同活...

鲁提辖拳打镇关西 故事出自《水浒传》第三回,原文如下: 三人来到潘家酒楼上,拣个齐楚阁儿里坐下。提辖坐了主位,李忠对席,史进下首坐了。酒保唱了喏,认得是鲁提辖,便道:“提辖官人,打多少酒?”鲁达说:“先打四角酒来。”一面铺下菜蔬果品按酒,又问道:“官人,吃甚下饭?”鲁达道:“问甚么!但有,只顾...

一、简单概括水浒传里《拳打镇关西》: 鲁智深与史进李忠喝酒遇到卖唱两父女,金老汉和女儿金翠莲。金翠莲被迫嫁与绰号镇关西的卖肉老板郑屠为妾,后来被其妻赶出门,到酒楼卖唱还钱给郑屠。 鲁智深打抱不平,先帮忙两人脱身,然后到集市找到正在卖肉的郑屠,故意挑唆并以切肉为名耗其体力,最后郑屠不堪忍受与鲁智深冲突,...
