哪位高人能帮忙写一篇英文读后感(The Catcher In The Rye)的读后感?(200-300字)


第1个回答  2011-02-07


《西游记》向人们展示了一个绚丽多彩的神魔世界,人们无不在作者丰富而大胆的艺术想象面前惊叹不已。然而,任何一部文学作品都是一定社会生活的反映,作为神魔小说杰出代表的《西游记》 通过《西游记》中虚幻的神魔世界,我们处处可以看到现实社会的投影。




麦田里的守望者读后感英文1 The catcher in the Rye is a typical novel which reflects the confusion and rebel of the 1950s in America history. From year 1945-1955, the American society seemed to be blissful on the surface while the fear of uncertainty caused by the growing communis...

麦田里的守望者读后感英文1 According to most analyses, The Catcher in the Rye is a bildungsroman, a novel about a young character’s growth into maturity. While it is appropriate to discuss the novel in such terms, Holden Caulfield is an unusual protagonist for a bildungsroman becau...

苔丝(the Catcher in the Rye) 英文读后感
《苔丝》是美国作家J.D.塞林格于1951年出版的小说,是20世纪最具代表性的文学作品之一,在全球范围内拥有广泛的影响和受众。“苔丝”是主人公霍尔顿.考尔菲尔德(Holden Caulfield)的化名,被誉为美国文学的经典之作。霍尔顿.考尔菲尔德是一个十七岁的少年,他在纽约市度过了一个周末的冒险之旅,其中既...

导语:《麦田里的守望者》原作名《The Catcher in the Rye》是美国作家杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格唯一的一部长篇小说,塞林格将故事的起止局限于16岁的中学生霍尔顿·考尔菲德从离开学校到纽约游荡的三天时间内,并借鉴了意识流天马行空的写作方法,充分探索了一个十几岁少年的内心世界。 【读后感1】: 读完《麦田里的守望者...

always have beautiful and distant ideal - do a "the catcher in the rye".We live in a country, this era is in great reformation, everything in the process of changing development. In some sense, this with the 1950s American really some alike. Social progress, people's thought...

The Catcher in the Rye,麦田里的守望者读后感600字
he still has his lovely sister, and finally feel that he is not alone, but also hope that he can be like the catcher in the rye like that, to protect the innocence of the child.For children, to see the darkness of society will have a certain impact on children. I remembe...

评英文版麦田守望者结尾(the catcher in the rye )

哪位高人能帮忙写一篇英文读后感(The Catcher In The Rye)的...

is a world of superficiality and hypocrisy (“phoniness”), while childhood is a world of innocence, curiosity, and honesty. Nothing reveals his image of these two worlds better than his fantasy about the catcher in the rye: he imagines childhood as an idyllic field of rye in ...

麦田的守望者 读后感 英文的
Also there has always been beautiful and distant vision - to become a "Catcher in the Rye."Watcher, this is a new words seen, do not know what that meant, as the text of the sentence - "So a group of children in a large wheat field where play games. Thousands of tens of ...
