3 直接从原宗教含义而派生出新义的词汇
有很多源于宗教经典的词语,在历史的发展中派生出了新的词义,且意义更加活跃,使用频率更高。例如,Manna 一词,原出自《旧约• 出埃及记》 ,当摩西率领以色列人出埃及时,在旷野断食,天降甘露状食物于营地,称为MANNA" ,持续多日,使众人得以渡过难关。今MANNA ”一词指不期而遇,令人振奋的好东西。又如“the CROSS ' ’原意为耶稣基督被钉死在上的十字架”,后派生意指某督的苦难,赎罪”,进而派生为泛指苦难,挫折”之意。类似的例子还有:
( l )PURGATORY 原意为拣狱”后派生意义为暂时的苦难”。( 2 ) deluge 原意为生帝降的大水”后派生意义为拱水”。( 3 ) creature 原意为生帝创造的有形无形的事物”,后派生意义为生物”。
( 4 )世界”出自佛经。〈楞严经〉说:“柯名为众生世界?世为迁流,界为方位。汝今当知,东、西、南、北、东南、西南、东北、西北、上、下为界,过去、未来、现在为世。” 故世指时间,界指空间,今则泛指地球上所有的地方。
( 5 )倾恼”出自佛经,指身心为贪欲所困惑而产生的精神状态。〈诚唯识论〉四:此四常(我痴、我见、我慢、我爱)起,扰浊内心,令外转识,恒成杂染,有情由此生死轮回,不能出离,故名烦恼。今则泛指苦闷、心乱。
( 6 )“境界”出自佛经,指因报应而遇到不同的境遇或因人的差异而得到不同的境地。无量寿经》 :“比丘白佛,斯义宏深,非我境界”。今指事物所达到的程度或表现的情况。
However, he is injured recuperate, he is still considered a war "is a great victory," he is "a great cause of the injury by." In a letter to his mother, he said that "a man sacrifice for his country, should be the mother of the world's most proud of, the most happ...
谁能帮我把 独立日 经典台词 翻译成英文?
Good morning!In less than an hour,aircraft from here will join others from around the world.And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in this history of mankind.Mankind---that word should have new meaning for all of us today.We can't be consumed by our petty differe...
1990年3月,国家语言文字工作委员会、上华人民共和国新闻出版署修订发布的《标点符号用法》中指出:“标点符号是书面语中不可缺少的部分,用来表示停顿、语气以及词语的性持和作用。因此,必须重视标点符号的使用。” 《标点符号用法》中列了16种标点符号。下面顺口溜可帮助同学们记住这些标点号: 句、逗、顿,分、冒、问...
it has two main reasons: one is to test requirement has certain difficulty, otherwise not real level; the students' Second is the structure of English can arrange that many layers of meaning in a sentence to express them. Below
可以帮我把这段文字翻译成英文吗,不要机器翻,翻译得好悬赏可以追加_百 ...
such as the transformation of thework, for the development of modern agriculture, serviceGuangdong Economic and social development and the building of a new socialist countryside provide a strongscientific and technological support and also for me in theagricultural extension to explore a ne...
由他的文字作品可以看出,他还是一名犀利的社会和建筑批评家。It is a famous designer of Denmark that Chinese would rather be full of trees, born to draw in Germany generally, is praised as Denmark's most remarkable design theoretician, the technical school in Copenhagen and Danish ...
翻译:Miguel, a 12-year-old Mexican boy from a shoemaker's family, had a musical dream when he was a child, but music was forbidden by the family and they thought they were cursed by music. When MIG secretly pursued the music dream, he set foot on the land of the dead ...
in the People's Republic of China was established in 1949, becoming a socialist country. Other Asian countries in this period have achieved their independence. The second half of the 20th century, the Asian world, through hard work, moving away from the imperialist and colonialist ex...
英文单词不是一成不变的,人们需要新的单词来表达新的想法和发明。于是,新的单词就开始进入了人们的语言,老的单词也有了新的意思。英语可以通过从其他语言“借用”一些词语来改变自己的单词,比如,“tomato 番茄”是从墨西哥拿来的单词,“tea茶”是从中国来的。而“cookbook菜谱”是两个单词拼在一起...
1.对译 对译是按原文词序,逐字逐句地进行翻译。这是直译最基本的方法,也是直译的第一个步骤。古今汉语词序一致,句法结构相同的句子,今译时不用改变原句词序,只要从现代汉语中选择恰当的词语来翻译原句中的字词就可以了。2.移位是指古代汉语某些词序与表达方式与现代汉语不同,翻译时要按现代汉语...