ps! 不要 翻译工具直接翻译出来的!!! 呢些语法错误特别多 翻译的好会加分!
同志们 谢谢你们的回答、 不过最佳答案只能有一个、 我想给 等级低一点的朋友 登记稍高一点的朋友 对你们有点抱歉 不过、真的感谢 从心里边感谢~
如果不想回答就不要在这里浪费我的时间、 难道我们不是互利互惠的关系么?
当然 我们两个不是、 因为你根本不会得到我的加分、 呢些给了我正确答案的人 我会给他们应得的分数、 所以 空手套白狼这个词好像用不到我身上吧、 不要因为借助网络以为对方不知道你 看不到你 就这么嚣张、每个人有每个人处理事情的方法、 如果你对我不满大可不必理睬我的提问。 你 已经被现在这个社会淘汰了、就因为你对我说的这些话。
呢在百度上提问 谁又有真实的报酬呢? 这只是 一些好心人对求助者的帮助罢了、 当然 也有一些人会像你这么想 但是是少数吧、 因为大多数的人都希望帮助别人 即使没有任何报酬、 给你个建议如果 你看不惯百度这种问答方式 大可以去招工网 呢里给工资、 还有 想争论的话最起码敢登陆用名字 、别挂个热心网友在上边、你不配。
谢谢你~ 真的!!
In my memory, the arrival of the rain is always accompanying a kind of peculiar emotion difficult to describe. In memory, hanging down gradually of that cloud, half is covering the sky up, the gentle a gust of cool breeze has been blown through, the rainwater comes. Very thin...
帮忙翻译一个中文文章到英文 急!
The cars now a day have too many problems, such as energy wasting, produce poisonous gas, etc. The car I'm going to invent will not only save energy, but also keeps the air clear. Don't believe it? Then come and have a look.This kind of cars have six colors, including...
Self-introdution My name is XX, graduate of Computer Science and Technology of XX university in 2009. I often take part in group activities in college. I get along well with my classmates and have many good friends. I'm satisfactory with my major and like programming very much....
Appreciate, you also then have attractive charm.欣赏是一种力量;Appreciation is a kind of strength,是一种与时俱进、自强不息、自我奋斗的力量。Is a kind of advancing with The Times and strive constantly for self-improvement, self-made strength.人生在世,区区百年,匆匆一日,忽忽一生...
he with everyone together into a strange place. Here, more extensive, lush trees more. After a few days, he woke up and found himself again to a strange place. Here, he saw hundreds of companions. He also saw many ships. One hot summer day, little drops suddenly find yourse...
The Spring Festival The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. We have a lot of traditions. First, we clean our houses to sweep away bad luck, and then we paint doors and windows red. It means good luck.The families have a big dinner and we eat jiaozi on...
急!! 把中文文章翻译成英文(简单) 满意在再加分 在线等
In the class,she will sing and play games with us,and we love her so much.I think she is patient,and everytime she will instruct us patiently.Sometimes she will treat us with sugars!I am looking forward to her class tomorrow.手工翻译,非常简单的单词,非常容易明白,呵呵。
1、中译英: deepL 专业翻译都会用的翻译工具,尤其很多专业性强的文章也能准确翻译,除中英互译外,小语种和英文的互译也做得很好。2、英译中:搜狗 搜狗翻译是最常用的国产翻译工具,这个软件翻译过来的文章也是符合中文语法习惯的,对于很多专业性强的内容也能很准确翻译过来。3、中英互译:Pleco Pleco...
we all desire to improve our skill of sex, to make ourself more manly. Male enhancement is a goal we will never be satisfied with. Within the review, maybe one of the dreams. Today, the website which is introduced is all about the products of penis enlargement , this web...
8。有2个人要去nijo castle,他们在路上一共问了3个人,第一个人不会讲英文,第2个人用日语为他们指的路,他们听不懂 他们看到一个人拿着地图站在拐角处,于是上前去路,那个人告诉他们。。。他们照着指示走,作后到达了目的 地。9。daniel去酒店找一份工作,interviewer向他提出许多问题,比如会...