Chinese PhD student Yue Gui has not been seen since Saturday night. Police believe she fell or was swept into turbulent seas while checking the water temperature at Waterfall Reef in the Goat Island marine reserve on Sunday morning.
Police divers, who have been searching the coastline since Tuesday, found a notebook used by the student to record water temperatures at around 10.30 this morning. The notebook was discovered in the water.
Her shoes and hat were found on rocks near the marine reserve a few days ago.
Warkworth police sergeant Bede Haughey said they were "hopeful" they would find the 30-year-old's body by the end of today.
It was an "incredibly jagged" piece of coastline which made it difficult for divers already hampered by poor weather.
"There's lots of little nooks and crannies so you've got to be looking there for a long time before you're confident, before you know that an object or a person is not there," he said.
"I can't stress enough how challenging that piece of coastline is to search."
Based on a combination of local knowledge, police diver experience and tides, they had identified the "most probable" areas to search.
If she was not discovered today, police would reassess their search.
Haughey said the rocky outcrop where the students carried out the tests was around 100 metres from the university's lab.
The tests were often carried out by a lone person who checked the temperature by lowering a bucket with a thermometer into the water.
Known as Alice, Yue Gui routinely carried out the tests on Sunday mornings. Mr Haughey described the conditions last Sunday as particularly rough, with tidal surges of around four metres.
Yue Gui was not reported as missing until later that afternoon.
Her parents were still in Beijing trying to get visas and passports before coming to New Zealand.
Her family were reported in Chinese media saying they were praying she had was the victim of kidnapping rather than drowning, meaning she would still be alive.
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GPA Grade point average (学期成绩平均数,D 或 F 是不及格)比方说,秋季你拿了三堂课 英文课 (4个学分),成绩是A;4x 4=16 数学课 (4个学分),成绩是B;4 x 3=12 物理课 (4个学分),成绩是B;4 x 3=12 --- 总学分:12 总成绩: 16+12+12=40 秋季的GPA: 40\/1...
...the contract 请哪位大侠帮我翻译下这是什么意思?
哪位大侠可以给我翻译一下 谢谢
您好,我帮您翻译了一下。下面就是翻译好了的。呼吁股 31。董事会不时做出他们认为对成员的任何款项未付他们的股份,而不是问题的条款支付在固定的时间方面,与各成员国应(主体收到至少十四天通知指定的时间和地点付款)公司支付的时间或时间和地点,指定的量称为他的股票,一个电话可能被取消或推迟...
大侠们 帮我翻译下 这些英文 谢谢诶
On you, I have always been about, how can I let you from harm.在你身上,我一直都差不多,我如何才能让你远离伤害。On you, I have been very persistent, how can I let you feel my heart, so that you do not suspect.在你身上,我一直很固执,我如何才能让你感到自己的心,使你们不...
...各位大侠,请帮帮小弟,看看下面的英文是什么意思,该怎么解决这些问 ...
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We are all over for nothing.我们缘尽于此。若有疑问,请追问;若满意,望采纳。(OvO)