As humans,we are also considered as animals sometimes!But unlike other animals,we have not had to fit the environment in which we live.Instead,we have been the shaper of our environment and explorer of nature.While other animals must find a home,we have created our home wherever we are living.We have fitted ourselves in a variety of environments.
Our skill at doing this has been due to our imagination,creativity and enthusiasm.If we chose to live in the desert,we learned how to save water,bulid a house among the rocks and mountains and depend on animals rather tahn vegetables for our food.Sometimes is was necessary for us to follos the animals as they moved,in order not to lose our source of food.
Living in a place where there was plenty of rain an mild tmperatures, we learned that we could plant a greater variety of crops,raise a few animals in a smaller,more contained area and not have move our home.We have been able to live wherever wo choose because we have not accepted the limitations of a particular environment,or rather,we have made the environment fit our needs.
如果你认为生活很糟糕。 你想成为怎样的一只鸡蛋呢? 生命只有一次,你成为餐桌上的美食也只有一次。你的出生需要四分钟的时间。然而你的终点只需要两分钟。你跟另外的11个同胞住在同一个盒子里。但是,最糟糕的是,唯一抚摸过你的脸的,是你的妈妈。所以振作起来。你的生活并没有那么糟糕。今天,把这...
The main purpose of writing to you in English this time is to check your English level. If you can not even understand it, you ought to work harder.这次用英语写给你的目的是检查一下你的英语水平,如果你甚至都看不懂的话,你要更加努力了。Although English is not my strength, you...
明天(7\/28)下午要到一家外贸公司面试,电话通知我准备3分钟的英语自我介绍,现我用中文写好了,请英文好的高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!DearSirs,Goodafternoon!很高兴今天有机会参加贵... 明天(7\/28)下午要到一家外贸公司面试,电话通知我准备3分钟的英语自我介绍,现我用中文写好了,请英文好的高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢!D...
跪求各位高手帮忙翻译以下是包装外箱的正唛的英语单词特急非常感谢 L...
通常都是这样翻译的(虽然赶不急):Flat 3\/4 Wires Rope Light
Pork from the part of pig head
一些单词估计你没打对,或者原来就没写对。HOL 这个没猜出来应该是啥东东。可能是货物名称的缩写。VEWDOR NAME JINLEY TRHDING:应该是 Vendor Name: Jinley Trading 卖方:金利贸易 BENSENVILLE 应该是地名,其中之一为美国伊利诺斯州的本森维尔市。FACTORT LIN CHANG 应该是 Factory Lin Chang 林昌厂...
上面显然是翻译工具翻出来的 我的翻译如下:第三部分:修正案条例 宪法的制订者们敏锐地认识到,宪法要想有长久的生命力并跟得上国家发展的步伐,必须不时地进行修改。他们同时也认识到,修正宪法的过程不能轻率而导致不良法案轻易通过。同样,他们不希望少数人阻止多数人期待的法案的通过。他们解决问题的...
as a new active substance 就可以随便放位置修饰了,可以放到An application 的前面,当然例句里的用法是比较正式的,在专业英语杂志或商业报刊上可以经常看到,甚至一些英语考级和考研英语上经常可以看到这中把修饰语隐藏到主干中间的例子,只要好好静下心来好好分析主谓宾,就不难看出了,希望楼主能好好...
Mrs Li used to work in the school.呵呵 蛮简单的
12. 1991 大雄的一千零一夜 (Nobita’s Dorabian Nights)13. 1992 大雄的梦幻王国 (Nobita and the Kingdom of Clouds)14. 1993 大雄和白金迷宫 (Nobita and the Tin Labyrinth)15. 1994 大雄与梦幻三剑士 (Nobita’s Three Visionary Swordsmen)16. 1995 大雄的创世日记...