急求英文翻译!拜托大家帮帮忙!谢谢 谢谢!

2.在公司里他负责维护网站。(in charge of)
3.这家餐厅需要招聘几个服务生。(be in need of )
4.我们在学校里读书,同时也做一些兼职,到商店或公司打工。(at the same time)
5.学生们常常靠做家教挣点钱。(work as, earn)

1. I worked for a factory during summer, the boss provided free lunch.
2. He is in charge of maintaining the website in the company.
3. This restaurant is in need of a few waiters.
4. We study at school and at the same time working part-time in a store or a company.
5. Students often work as tutors to earn some money.

第1个回答  2011-01-15
1.My summer vacation working in a factory, the boss offers free lunch.
2.The company, he is responsible in charge of web site.
3.This dining room is in need of advertise for several servers.
4.We are studying in school, at the same time do some part-time, to the store or company employees.
5.The students work as frequently make the family education to earn money.