

1. I think_____ care of the environment is very important.

A.taking B.take C.takes D.took
(答案写A. 我选B,think 后面难道要加doing?)

2. I'm very busy today.I have a very important report____

A.to listen B.to listen to C.listening D.to listening to
(答案选B,我选A. 为什么?)

3.Ann ____ herself beautiful today .She ___ a red dress and a white coat.
A.wore;wore B.is dressed;put on
C.put on;dressed D.dressed;wore
(答案;D 我写的是B. 这几个都是 穿 的意思,有什么区别啊,我都晕了啊....)

4. When you are listening _______ tapes, you should listen_____ the most important words.

A.to;for B.for;to C.to;to D.for;for
(此题答案选A,我选C.为什么第二个要选for ,表目的?)

5.Could you please tell me when ____(star) off tomorrow?
(这道题是用词的适当形式填空,答案写 to start 我写start.为什么要加to呢?)

6.I went to sleep with the door____(open) last night.
(此题类型同上,答案是open, 我写opened,为什么用原型啊,不是过去时吗??)

7.I have little time ___ (miss)my mom though we haven't seen each other for long.
(答案写 to miss, 我写missing.因为我记得有一个什么I have hard time finding my keys, 为什么是to miss?? )

8.Well,you used to have short hair ___(and/with) no glasses
(这是选词填空,答案选and ,我写with.为什么是and啊? )

9.I used to spend a lot of time ____(chat) with my friends.
(答案是chatting,我写chat. 为什么要加ing??)

10.Now Helen works more carefully than she ____.
A.used to B.before C.after

11.My life has changed a lot during the ______ years.
A.last a few B.last few C.a few last D.few last
(答案是B,这道题我压根看不懂... 谁讲讲这个搭配,谢啦~)

(1)His family didn't have enough money for his education.
His family coundn't _____ ______ _____ ______ his education.
(答案是 afford to pay for ,可是afford 不是已经有"支付"的意思吗?为什么后面还要有pay for??)

(2)Mr.Black didn't live there any loner.
Mr.Black _____ ____ lived there.
(答案是 no longer,可是我写 didn't anymore ,我知道这道题是说 他已经不住这里了,为什么不能用 not anymore来说呢?)

(答案是: We will give up hope forever .
我写的是: We don't give up hope forever. 难道这句话要用将来?永远怎么会用将来时??)

14.Old people must ____.
A.be spoken to politely B.speak to polite
C.be spoken politely D.speak polite

15.Today ,the forests have almost gone. People must ____ down many trees.
A.stop to cut B.stop from cutting
C.be stop to cut D.be stopped from cutting
(答案选D.可是什么是stop from ,还有为什么不选B呢?)

1 I think (that)后面是个句子,所以用动名词作主语。 (taking care of the environment是主语) is very important. 考查点:非谓语动词做主语的用法。
2 I'm very busy today.I have a very important report to listen to. 这个句子中listen to 是这个固定搭配,实际修饰的是 report. 没有listen report这样的说法,应该是listen to report.

3.Ann dressed这个意思是打扮herself beautiful today .She wore穿着 a red dress and a white coat.

4. When you are listening to 听,倾听, tapes, you should listen for 注意倾听(期待的声音等)the most important words.
5.Could you please tell me when to start off tomorrow? 因为when不是start的主语,也做不了主语,所以肯定要to的。when to表示何时。
6.I went to sleep with the door open last night.前面有个with,表示伴随。。。的一种状态。所以这个open必须是形容词。
7.I have little time to miss my mom though we haven't seen each other for long 这个并不表示是....的时候的意思,只是说没什么时间去想念。。。
8.Well,you used to have short hair ___(and/with) 肯定是选and啦,因为short hair 和no glasses没有直接的关系,如果用with,意思就变成 你曾经有没眼镜的短头发,意思太离谱了。
9.I used to spend a lot of time ____(chat) with my friends. 词组spend....(on有时候省略) +doing sth.
10.Now Helen works more carefully than she used to 如果用before的话,就得在she后面加多一个did.
11.My life has changed a lot during the last few years. 能体现出其变化之大的就只有few,a few则体现不出那个变化之大。
12 afford to pay for---负担。。。的费用。 如果只是afford只表示供不起,一点点微小的变化,不过都可以表达同样的意思。 no longer可以用在句子中,也可以用在句子后面,而anymore只能用在句子后面。
13 我们永远不会放弃希望---We will give up hope forever .我觉得答案也不是很好,要是我翻译的话,我会这样翻:we will never give up hope.用将来时态比较好。

14.Old people must be spoken to politely 首先这个句子是被动的,意思是应该礼貌的对老人说话。 speak to sb.这个是固定搭配,所以to 是必须要的,不能省略。
15.Today ,the forests have almost gone. People must be stopped from cutting down many trees。 stop from 阻止,禁止的意思。 人们是被禁止的,所以要用被动。
第1个回答  2009-08-18
1、think后面接动词通常都是用ing形式,也就是think doing sth.这个在七年级全册很多文章中间出现过。
2、listen是不及物动词,后面如果接物的话,一定要用listen to。比如,听音乐:listen to music,老师上课常说:listen to me carefully。
3、wear和dress表状态,wear接衣服等,可用进行时,dress接人,be dressed in, put on表动作.to put on (穿,戴)特别指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽、戴眼镜也用这个成语。英文中还有wear和dress二字也是穿的意思。可是wear是继续的动作,表示穿着的状态,而put on是一时的动作。
4、listen for 表示“注意倾听”来辨别某人呼叫的方位。listen to 指的是一般的“听”。这个句子中后面有个important,表示需要特别地去听,去关注了。
5、tell sb. to do sth.这是tell的固定用法。
第2个回答  2009-08-18
1.I think + n.+be+adj.所以这里的taking care of 是个动名词词组
2.listen是个不及物动词 不及物动词省略后面的宾语report时介词to不能省略
3.dress是打扮,put on 表示穿上这个动作wear是说穿着这个状态。句子意思是Ann今天打扮的很漂亮,她穿了一件红裙子。不是她穿上一件红裙子所以后面那个空选wore,由此排除BC,选项Awear oneself 不讲所以选D
5.固定句式 背过吧
6.open没有那个形式,也就是说他的过去时还是open 另外opened有特殊的意思
7.have time to do sth. 固定句式 have hard time +的是动名词句子的时态也和这个题目不一样
9.spend time doing sth.固定句式 背过
10.你这是典型的中国思维。这里是说Helen现在比以前学习努力了,这个以前不能用一个before简单代替,因为它不是一个时间名词,他是介词,所以不能单独使用。这里选的used to 是个省略式,完整句子是Helen works harder than she used to do .
11.这句话意思是我的生活在过去的几年里发生了很大的变化。是过去完成式。last表示过去的比方说last day 表示前一天,few 修饰可数名词,表示肯定last few years 是指过去的几年
13.用你的那个词组应该是Mr.Black didn·t live there anymore .

14.谁说对老人说话一定要礼貌,是个被动句式,正常句式是People must speak to old people politely.这里把 old people 提前了

心疼一下你大姐 可是英语专业的哦

第3个回答  2009-08-18
1. I think{( taking care of the environment) is very important}
括号内动名词做主语,is是谓语,very important做宾语
2.listen单词后接宾语要用listen to,这是固定搭配,report是宾语前置了
3.dress做不及物动词,没用被动。dress和wear都是强调整个过程,只不过一个是及物,一个是不及物动词。而put on强调动作。例如,我穿了件衬衫,用前者;我正在试穿新衣服,用put on。
When you are (listening to) tapes, you should “listen” (for the most important words)。前后重点不同。
5.tell。。。to do 。。。这是个tell单词的固定用法
7.have 。。to do是将要做的事,have。。doing是正在做的事,根据语境判断
第4个回答  2009-08-18
1._____ care of the environment 是主语。
2.to listen to a very important report
3. dress oneself 打扮自己 wear 是及物动词,后跟具体服饰
5.when __to__(star) off tomorrow?
6.open 做形容词,表示开着的状态
7不定式,你说那个I have hard time (in)finding my keys,一般省略in
9spend some time in doing sth 固定搭配,也可理解为7
11.有the ,就不选带其他冠词的。这道题涉及多重修饰词的顺序问题,算不上什么搭配。你可以问问老师。口语中太常用了,多念几遍,记住。
12.你整个didn"t 后面还有个liveD啊。
14.简单的被动式。we shuld speak to old men polietly
第5个回答  2009-08-18
1.taking 这里做名词,选择ING形式.
2.目的壮语,listen to 是一整体