Do You Know My Work?
One night a hotel caught fire, and the people who were staying in it ran out in their night clothes.
Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.
“Before I came out,” said one,“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. People don't think of money when they're afraid. When anyone leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it. So I took all the bills that I could find.No one will be poorer because I took them.”
“You don't know my work,” said the other.
“What is your work?”
“I'm a policeman.
“Oh!” cried the first man. He thought quickly and said,“And do you know my work?”“No,”said the policeman.
“I'm a writer. I'm always telling stories about things that never happened.”
“You don't know my work,” said the other.(“你不知道我的工作。“另一个说。)“What is your work?”(”你从事什么呢?“)“I'm a policeman.(”我是警察。“)“Oh!” cried the first man. He thought quickly and said,“And do you know my work?”“No,”said...
3、崂山林木苍郁、花繁草茂,区内仅古树名花就有110多株,有的树龄高达2500余年。山深处,春日一片翠绿,夏天浓荫蔽日,秋季满谷金黄,严冬则处处玉树琼花。There are verdant and luxuriant woods and forests on Mount Lao, and fully covered with green grass and beautiful fragrant flowers. There ...
求各位大神翻译这段话!!! 英语
找出其中的错误并改正 英语
修改后:Brian is a lazy boy. He does not like P.E. Lisa, Brian , Luke are good friends. (they?你想表达什么?)now they are at the end of junior high school. Brian is very happy, because he doesn't have to do P.E. any more. Lisa thinks they have a good P.E. ...
not have our today's progess, We will never forget your fostering us.In the future, no matter if we are towering trees or bushes, we will bless you with our green life.Teachers, Thank you very much for your harding working and wish you a happy Teacher's Day.供参考。
2)超高压杀菌处理虽然降低了牛乳的L值,改变了牛乳的感官特性,但是增加了牛乳中游离态钙的含量,特别是游离氨基酸含量明显增加,检测数据也表明,超高压灭菌对其破坏要比巴氏灭菌小,最大限度的保留了牛乳的营养价值。3)与巴氏杀菌乳相比,超高压杀菌有助于延长牛乳的保质期,扩大牛乳的销售半径。In the...
我希望可以收到你的回信,谢谢 问题补充 再次感谢你.真诚地说一句,我第一批货物只想订造某几样东西因为我想确认中国这些货物的尺寸规格是否不同于马来西亚的,同时想确认质量是否好.可以吗?我希望你可以明白我的原因还有愿我们以后会有更长远的生意往来..我们现在想定购一下几种货物:
帮我 翻译一下这段话吧,谢谢各位啦
11分。任务。本协议在本协议项下的所有权利应当检查站 通过检查站转让全部或部分。客户需 不转让本协议,或权利,没有检查站写出来。合同项下 同意(该另一方不得无理拒绝。2。规定可分离。本协定的规定是独立的 从彼此分离,并没有规定应 由于渲染的无效或不可执行这样的事实,即以任何理由任何其他 他...
A tower is one I have seen his favourite building, in Chicago, he was the world's first taller, now, the world's second tower is very high, the biggest characteristic is each layer is transparent, if someone standing in the upstairs, the person can see him under, therefore,...