diamond wire 是种切割工具,翻译过来具体怎么说啊,ALARA principle指的是什么,ALARA代表哪几个单词,Underwater remote EDM cutting,EDMS是指Electron Discharge Machining 放电加工吗?谢谢
1.批复文件 approve document 2.设防烈度 fortification intensity 建筑抗震设计规范 ...抗震设防烈度seismic fortification intensity 抗震设防标准seismic fortification criterion 地震作用earthquake action ...3. 架空电力线路 overhead power line To conduct engineering by putting any part of lifting ma...
1、平面度 -planeness 2、连接接头间隙--bonded joint gap 3、颜色 --color 4、主要技术性能--basic technical features 5、吸潮率--moisture absorption rate 6、体积密度--volume concentration 7、抗折强度--alternating bending strength 8、耐火度--refractability 9、铝箔胶带剥离强度...
1.整式的加减 addition and subtraction of integral expressions 2.整式的乘除 multiplication and division of integral expressions 3.一元二次方程的应用 application of quadratic equations 4.几何证明 geometry proof 5.比和百分比 ratio and percentage ...
“定量” quantification “定量范围” quantifying scope “整幅定量差” full breadth quantifying difference “紧度” tightness “整幅厚度差” full breadth thickness difference “平滑度正反差” double-faced smothness difference “灰粉” grey powder “边缘渗透宽度” fringe penetration width “...
物流管理Logistics administration 网络管理network administration 会计与省计accounting & auditing 餐饮meal(s)旅游管理Tourism administration 建筑architecture(通常指建筑学,建筑设计) construction(指建筑的施工)文秘secretary或assistant(助理)汽车营销AUTO marketing或marketing for auto\/automobile 计算机程序设计...
1. 矩形圆角半高三波补偿器 Rectangular, rould-angled and half-high compensator with tricrotous channels 2. 矩形圆角半高两波补偿器 Rectangular, rould-angled and half-high compensator with twi-crotous channels 3. 矩形圆角全高双波补偿器 Rectangular, rould-angled and whole-high ...
绳锯 Diamond wire saw 可合理达到的尽量低原则 as low as reasonably achievable(ALARA)principle 用辐射防护最优化方法,使已判定为正当并准予进行的实践中,有关个人受照剂量的大小、受照射人数以及潜在照射的危险等,全都保持在可以合理达到的尽量低水平的原则。通常简称为ALARA原则。Underwater remote ...
1. Electric power system and its automation 2. 电力电子与电力传动 2. Power electronics and power transmission 3. 电机与电器 3. Electrical and electrical appliances 4. 高电压与绝缘技术 4. High voltage and insulation technology 5. 电工理论新技术 5. Electrical theory new ...
leading actor\/actress 男\/女主角 supporting actor\/actress 男\/女配角 playwright 编剧 composer 作曲 lyrics writer作词 singer 演唱者 producer 制作人
科室翻译 medical department; department of internal medicine: 内科 surgical deparment;department of surgery: 外科 department of obstetrics and gynecology : 妇产科 ophtalmology department: 眼科 dental department: 牙科 ENT(ear-nose-throat)department: 耳鼻喉科 urology department: 泌尿科 dermato...