1。Many animals have faced such campaigns, but against no other animal has the campaign reached such heights of cruelty.
2。The Fund for Animals announced a reward of $500 for prior information which led to the stopping of any such hunt, and also announced that it would back any group engaged in breaking up such hunts by any means short of actual violence.
Periods of accomplishment are followed by periods of decay.
3。But inevitably, after a period of achievement, a long, slow period of decay sets in.
4。An elderly man passes by wearing pyjamas, bearing a brightly feathered bird singing merrily in its cage.
5。Incense from a tiny Taoist temple drifts into the pounding beat of rock music pouring out of a discotheque.
6。Hong Kong. Here, 161km.south of the Tropic of Cancer, beats the pulse of Southeast Asia's heart. Where East greets West, and past colours present.
7。A double-decker tram provides a bird's-eye view of neon signs twisted into huge Chinse characters, dwarfing the human parade below.
1。Many animals have faced such campaigns, but against no other animal has the campaign reached such heights of cruelty.(字面:很多动物都经历过这般的战争,但其他动物之间的战斗的残暴程度却从未到达过如此的高度。)【意译】【战斗在动物中普遍存在,然而如此残暴的战斗却世间罕见。】其中后半句...
1、下午好 こんにちは。2、初次见面,请多关照 初めまして、よろしくお愿いします。3、我叫佐藤 佐藤と申します。4、那么再见 では、また。5、最近麻烦您了 この顷、お世话になりました。6、哪里哪里 こちらこそ。7、那么,我先走了\/我挂了 では、お先に失礼します。8、...
万分感谢 翻译几个英语句子
Afte all, he is head, (no matter what we do,) we can't bring hin back to life.I made all effort in vain.他们的登山之旅徒劳而返。He try to catch the butterfly on the flower in vain.我们的一切努力都白费了。She can't resist laughing.我丝毫无法抗拒烤苹果的诱惑。D,她已...
1. 漫步在脚下的乡间小路已被铺上了柏油,一幢幢白色的村舍也变成了带阳台的公寓,她走的慢。她踏着大步大声笑着,越过路上的坑坑洼洼和牛粪堆。她已经差不多全聋了。(不好意思,看的我有点混乱...)2. 穿过了花园,她请求一个年轻的住户给她一束金盏花,年轻人的胡子刚好遮住了宽容...
English is very important,but in daily life ,there is rarely chance to use it。It has ten thousands of vocabulary ,however only 2000 of them are usage rates 。So,it is enough for us to learn daily English 。
帮忙翻译一下 下列句子 万分感谢 题目中有打错的字希望修改一下_百度...
跪求翻译中文成英语 意译即可 万分感谢!
一 非常感谢你给我邮寄的杂志,它们除了让我获得图片、资讯以外,也有助于我学习英语。I am so grateful for the magazines, which you have sent me. Apart from the pictures and information, it has also helped me with my English learning.二 由于我的原因给你造成的麻烦,对此我表示歉意。S...
这短短的一个月 In such a short month 我们之间发生了太多事 we have expericed so much.你让我知道什么是真正的幸福 You taught me how the real felicity looked like 你让我找回迷失的自己 You taught me how to found myself