求英文版名著读后感,最好不要雷同。应付英语作业的。。。大学的,字数不要太少 篇数不限(万分感谢,

求英文版名著读后感,最好不要雷同。应付英语作业的。。。大学的,字数不要太少 篇数不限(万分感谢,给好评^ω^)

This weekend, I finished the English Classic Gone with the Wind, which I like the most. This novel is long, but attractive and moving. When I was young, I read the Chinese edition, and loved Scarlett very much. It taught me about what love is really like? Years later, when I was reading the English version, I felt shocked. Scarlett O'Hara was beautiful, brave, indepent and manipulative. I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. Their star-crossed love is main and also the best stories ever told. What makes Scarlett and Rhett so compelling isn't the fact that they are made for each other, but that in spite of that, they will never really find happiness.