
本论文主要介绍了利用VC来开发一套实现短信息收发功能的信息系统,并给出了短信息发送系统的软、硬件及设计过程,以及当前无线控制的发展趋势,与目前无线通信的紧密连接。该系统通过短信猫(SIM900 MODEM)与PC机通过串口相连,通过VC设计的收发短信的工程界面实现简单的短信收发功能。所以硬件相对简单,主要有PC机、SIM900 MODEM以及它们之间的串行接口,并进行编程来控制。

With the technology development of mobile, especially the technology of short message's application and expansion, it provides a new convenient channel to the requirement of wirelss application from enterprises. Short message on one hand can be used to optimize the enterprise internal management procedure with the advantage of efficiency, swiftness and cheap. And on the other hand it can be used in customer service with advantage of direct, cordial and convenient;

This thesis mainly introduce the information system by using VC to realize the function of sending and receiving short message, including the design process of hardware and software of the short message sending and receiving system, current develop trend of wireless control and close connection with current wireless mobile communication. The system connects the PC by SIM900 MODEM and realizes the function of sending and receiving message with program designed by VC. The hardware for the system is relatively simple with PC, SIM900 MODEM and connecting points controlled by program.
