What is the signal modulation? Has to use the signal modulation why inthe observation and control system? What is demodulates? Does thecommonly used modulation method have which how many kinds in theobservation and control system? In the precision measurement, enters the metering circuit the surveysignal which outputs besides the sensor, but also often has each kindof noise. But the sensor output signal very is generally weak, willsurvey the signal from to include the noise in the signal to separatewill be a metering circuit important task. In order to be advantageousfor the difference signal and the noise, often gives the survey signalto bestow on by the certain characteristic, this is the modulationmain function. The modulation is (is called modulation signal) with asignal to control another one (is called intelligence signal) as thecarrier signal, lets latter some characteristic parameter according toformer change. In will survey the signal modulation, and it and noiseseparation, after processing and so on enlargement, but also must fromin the signal which already modulated withdraw the reflection by theobserved value survey signal, this process was called thedemodulation. Often takes the intelligence signal in the signal modulation by a highfrequency sine signal. A sine signal has the peak-to-peak value, thefrequency, the phase three parameters, may carry on the modulation tothese three parameters, separately is called the amplitude modulation,the frequency modulation and the phase modulation. Also may use thepulse signal to make the intelligence signal. May make the modulationto the pulse signal different characteristic parameter, what is mostcommonly used is carries on the modulation to the pulse width, iscalled the pulse to adjust the width. 3-2 what is the modulation signal? What is the intelligence signal?What was has adjusted the signal? The modulation is bestows on for the survey signal by the certaincharacteristic, this characteristic by provides as the carrier signal.Often takes the carrier by a high frequency sine signal or the pulsesignal, this carrier is called the intelligence signal. With thesignal which needs to transmit changes the intelligence signal someparameter, like peak-to-peak value, frequency, phase. This uses for tochange the intelligence signal some parameter letter to be known asthe modulation signal. Must transmit in the observation and controlsystem surveys the signal, usually uses the survey signal to make themodulation signal. Yells after the modulation carrier letter hasadjusted the signal. Why 3-7 said the signal modulation is advantageous to the enhancementobservation and control system signal to noise ratio, is advantageousto sharpens its antijamming ability? Which aspects does its functionmanifest through? In the precision measurement, enters the metering circuit the surveysignal which outputs besides the sensor, but also often has each kindof noise. But the sensor output signal very is generally weak, willsurvey the signal from to include the noise in the signal to separatewill be a metering circuit important task. In order to be advantageousfor the difference signal and the noise, often gives the survey signalto bestow on by the certain characteristic, this is the modulationmain function. In will survey the signal modulation, and it and thenoise separation, after will pass through again processing and so onenlargement, but also will have from in the signal which alreadymodulated to withdraw the reflection by the observed value surveysignal, this process was called the demodulation. Through the modulation, to surveys the signal to bestow on by thecertain characteristic, causes to adjust the signal the frequency bandin take the intelligence signal frequency as in the central verynarrow scope, but the noise includes each kind of frequency, namelyapproaches to the white noise. By now was allowed to use chooses thefrequency amplifier, the filter and so on, only let take the carrierfrequency pass as in a central very narrow frequency band signal, wasallowed effectively the noise elimination. Uses the carrier frequencyto carry on the comparison as the reference signal, also may suppressis far away the reference frequency each kind of noise. 3-8 why in observation and control system frequently in sensor clearsignal modulation? In order to sharpen the survey signal antijamming ability, oftenrequested from the signal as soon as to form already was has adjustedthe signal, therefore frequently carried on the modulation in thesensor. 3-13 what is the envelope detection? Tries to state the envelopedetection the basic principle of work. From has adjusted in the signal to pick out the modulation signal theprocess to be called the demodulation or the detection. Thepeak-to-peak value modulation was lets adjust the signal thepeak-to-peak value along with the modulation signal value change,therefore the amplititude-modulated signal envelope shape wasconsistent with the modulation signal. So long as can pick out theamplititude-modulated signal the envelope curve namely to be able torealize the demodulation. This method is called the envelopedetection. From attempts in X3-10 to be allowed to see, so long as from attemptsin the amplititude-modulated signal which a shows, clips its underhalf, after then obtains attempts b to show the half-waverectification the signal (after double-wave detection also to bepossible), again passes through the low pass filter, filters the highfrequency signal, then obtains must the modulation signal, therealization demodulation. The envelope detection is the establishmentin the rectification principle foundation. 3-15 what is the sensitive detection? Why has to use the sensitivedetection? The sensitive detecting circuit is can distinguish the modulationsignal phase the detecting circuit. The envelope detection has twoquestions: One, the demodulation main process is carries on thehalf-wave or the full-wave rectification to the amplititude-modulatedsignal, is unable from the detector output distinction modulationsignal phase. If 1-3 shows in the chart uses electricity in thetransmission feeling survey work piece outline shape example, themagnetic core 3 upward and moves the similar quantity by its positionof equilibrium to under, the sensor output signal peak-to-peak valueis same, only is 180°. Is unable from the envelopedetection electric circuit output to determine the magnetic core isupward or moves to under. Second, envelope detection electric circuititself does not have the discrimination different carrier frequencythe signal ability. Regarding the different carrier frequency signalit all by the similar way to their rectification, restores themodulation signal, this meant it does not have the distinguishingsignal the ability. In order to enable the detecting circuit to havethe distinction signal phase and the frequency ability, sharpens theantijamming ability, must use the sensitive detecting circuit. 3-16 sensitive detecting circuit and is the envelope detectionelectric circuit in the function, what the performance and in theelectric circuit constitution the most main difference? The sensitive detecting circuit and the envelope detection electriccircuit is the sensitive detecting circuit can distinguish themodulation signal phase in function main difference, thusdistinguished is surveyed the change the direction, the most maindifference is the sensitive detecting circuit has in the performancethe distinction signal phase and the frequency ability, thusenhancement observation and control system antijamming ability. Lookedfrom the electric circuit structure that, the sensitive detectingcircuit main characteristic is, besides amplititude-modulated signalwhich must demodulate, but also must input a reference signal. Had thereference signal to be allowed to use it to distinguish the inputsignal the phase and the frequency. The reference signal should withthe amplititude-modulated signal which must demodulate have thesimilar frequency, uses the intelligence signal to make the referencesignal to be able to satisfy this condition. 3-20 explains with examples the sensitive detecting circuit inobservation and control system application. The chart 3-25 shows in the inductance micrometer dial electriccircuit to use the sensitive detector to make its demodulationelectric circuit, sensitive detector output instruction inductivetransceiver measuring bar displacement quantity. The chart 3-26 shows in the photoelectricity microscope, the usesensitive detector chooses the frequency characteristic, when thephotoelectricity microscope aiming was measured when , in thephotoelectricity signal does not contain the reference signal the basefrequency and the signal, the sensitive detecting circuitoutputs for zero, definite microscope aiming condition. 3-23 in uses the digital frequency meter realizationfrequency-modulated signal in the demodulation, why uses the surveycycle the method, but does not use the survey frequency the method?What insufficiency uses the survey cycle the method also to have? The survey frequency has two methods: One kind is the survey in sometime interval (for example 1 second or in 0.1 second) the signalchange periodicity, namely survey frequency method. This method surveyis in this time interval average frequency, uses in to survey thesignal with difficulty the instantaneous frequency, thus uses in withdifficulty the frequency-modulated signal demodulation; Another methodbased on the survey signal cycle, according to enters the counter in asignal cycle the high frequency clock pulse number then to obtainsignal the cycle, thus determines its frequency. The latter method mayuse in the frequency-modulated signal demodulation. Its shortcoming isenters the counter the pulse number to represent the signal period, itand the frequency transformation relations are non-linear. ( 什么是信号调制?在测控系统中为什么要采用信号调制?什么是解调?在测控系统中常用的调制方法有哪几种?
3-2 什么是调制信号?什么是载波信号?什么是已调信号?
3-7 为什么说信号调制有利于提高测控系统的信噪比,有利于提高它的抗干扰能力?它的作用通过哪些方面体现?
3-8 为什么在测控系统中常常在传感器中进行信号调制?
3-13 什么是包络检波?试述包络检波的基本工作原理。
从图X3-10中可以看到,只要从图a所示的调幅信号中,截去它的下半部,即可获得图b所示半波检波后的信号 (经全波检波也可),再经低通滤波,滤除高频信号,即可获得所需调制信号,实现解调。包络检波就是建立在整流的原理基础上的。
3-15 什么是相敏检波?为什么要采用相敏检波?
3-16 相敏检波电路与包络检波电路在功能、性能与在电路构成上最主要的区别是什么?
3-20 举例说明相敏检波电路在测控系统中的应用。
3-23 在用数字式频率计实现调频信号的解调中,为什么采用测量周期的方法, 而不用测量频率的方法?采用测量周期的方法又有什么不足?