In temperate marine climates away from direct sea spray there is a slow accumulation of chloride within the concrete. In post-tensioned structures, attack on the strands themselves in this type of environment is rare. Provided that ducts and grout are intact there is little likelihood of corrosion of post-tensioned members in this type of environment. Tropical marine environments represent a much more severe type of exposure. Year-round warm temperatures help foster both the rate of ingress of the chlorides as well as the rate of corrosion itself. For pre-tensioned members to be durable over the long term in such environments it may be necessary to invest in high quality concretes having low permeability to chloride ions. F& post-tensioned members, the use of noncorroding ducts (such as polyethylene ducts) would help to halt the progress of chlorides towards the strand. Care must also be taken to protect the anchorage areas, such as encapsulation of the anchorage in impermeable material.
In deicing environments pre- and post-tensioned structures show susceptibility to corrosion at localized points on the structure. This can be at end expansion joints separating the deck slab from the approach slab, at joints separating the spans along the length of the bridge, through longitudinal spaces between adjacent box beams, and at anchorage zones in post-tensioned members. The actions of traffic and environment lead to joint failure, which allows deicer solutions to pass through the joint onto the pier caps and beam-ends in I-beams, and onto the sides of box beams. Installation of gutters and downspouts to carry deicer solutions safely off the deck, and careful joint inspection and maintenance can help to reduce the potential for corrosion in these structures. For posttensioned elements, it is very important that the grout fully encapsulates the tendons within the ducts, and that no potentially corrosive substances be added to the grouts.
长辈.今义:岳父.4.幸蒙其赏赐.赏赐:古义:照顾.今义:奖赏物品.5.欲因此时降武.因此:古义:趁这时.今义:因为这个.6.独有女弟二人.女弟:古义:妹妹.今义:姐姐(妹妹)和弟弟.7.且陛下春秋高 .春秋
生凄然曰:“我今贵矣。三四年不规,何遂顿不相识?”妻遥谓曰:“君死已久,何复言贵?所以人淹君柩者,以家贫子幼耳。今阿大亦已成立,将卜窀穸[46]. 勿作怪异吓生人。”生闻之,怃然惆怅[47]. 逡巡入室,见灵柩俨然,扑地而灭。妻惊视之,衣冠履舄如脱委焉[48]. 大恸,抱衣悲哭。子自塾中归,见结...
【翻译】橘啊,你这天地间的佳树,生下来就适应当地的水土。 你的品质坚贞不变,生长在江南的国度啊。根深难以迁移,那是由于你专一的意志啊。绿叶衬着白花,繁茂得让人欢喜啊。 枝儿层层,刺儿锋利,圆满的果实啊。 青中闪黄,黄里带青,色彩多么绚丽啊。 外观精美内心洁净,类似有道德的君子啊。
4. 求文言文翻译“都御史轩輗,天性廉介 我来造福全年级了!!! 本人是二班的,看二班的多伟大!!(事先声明,这是自己翻的,有一句不会,哪位仁兄看过后帮着改改) 都御史轩輗,天生性情廉洁耿直。刚当上进士时,前往淮上督粮。当时正值严冬,轩輗在途中坐船不慎落入水中,被救出时已经浑身湿透。(而行李中竟无一件...
那位仁兄帮我用英语翻译一下本人不胜感激! 急急急。
My name is Cao Junshuo, I am now in Qingdao No 44 Middle School to school。 I don't do well in my study 。 I‘d like the teacher to give me great help
" 但是自从他开始学习萨克斯管,我们已经有能力在这幢楼里以高昂价格购买5所公寓。"【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!