
2.1.The different binders used for the study are presented hereafter. All polymer-modified bitumens were prepared at a laboratory scale. Polymer dispersion and/or cross linking were carried out at high temperature (180°C) under moderate shear for four hours.
The Superpave upper grades of the binders were also determined according to AASHTO MP1-98 procedure. All materials and PG upper gradation are presented in table 1.
2.2.Dynamic Shear Rheometer
2.2.1.Static creep and oscillatory mode
As already described, ZSV can be determined directly from long-term creep tests .But such tests are time consuming and it is often very difficult to determine when steady-state flow is obtained.
It has been shown elsewhere (4) that ZSV can de extrapolated by a dynamic test as a limiting value at low frequency.
2.2.2.Repeated creep and recovery
The protocol of the repeated creep and recovery test consists in applying a repeated creep load of 300 Pa for one second followed by nine seconds recovery period (rest period) for 100 cycles.
The test is performed at high temperature with 25 mm parallel plates and 1 mm gap. In order to compare the different binders, the repeated creep test was performed at four different temperatures: the Superpave high temperature performance grading temperature (TH), TH – 6°C,TH – 12°C, TH – 18°C.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Repeated creep and recovery
Following Bahia’s procedure (100 cycles), all nine binders were tested. This procedure assumes that the recovery time, 9 times the creep time, is enough to have total recovery of the elastic
delayed strain. A way to check this hypothesis is to compare the first cycle and the hundredth cycle. For unmodified binders all cycles are superposed at each temperature. For modified binders
this is not the case.
Figure 1 compares the first and last cycle for a crosslinked SB modified bitumen: the maximum strain is constant during the test but the unrecoverable strain decreases with time. The difference
Performance Testing and Evaluation of Bituminous Materials 119
increases with the polymer content. This clearly shows that the elastic recovery is not complete and so the recovery time is not sufficient to recover all of the delayed elasticity. For crosslinked binders, a longer relaxation time is needed to have total recovery of the delayed elastic effects.

2.1.此后提出用于研究的不同的黏合剂。 所有聚合物修改过的沥清准备了在实验室规模。 聚合物分散作用并且/或者十字架连接被执行了在高温(180°C)在适度剪之下四个小时。
黏合剂的Superpave上部成绩根据AASHTO MP1-98做法也被确定了。 所有材料和页上部渐进性在表1.被提出。
如已经被描述, ZSV可以直接地从长期蠕变试验被确定。但是这样测试费时,并且确定经常是非常难的稳定流程什么时候获得。
它在别处显示了(4) ZSV能一个动态测试外推的作为一个极限值在低频率。
重复的蠕动和补救测试的协议在应用包括300 Pa重复的蠕动装载为九秒补救期间跟随的一秒钟(休眠期)为100个周期。
试飞将执行在高温与25 mm平行的板材和1 mm空白。 为了比较不同的黏合剂,重复的蠕变试验执行在四个不同温度: 高温表现分级的温度(TH), TH - 6°C, TH - 12°C,TH - 18°C。
3. 结果和讨论
3.1. 重复的蠕动和补救
从事巴伊亚的做法(100个周期),全部九种黏合剂被测试了。 这个做法假设,恢复时间, 9乘蠕动时间,是有的足够弹性的总补救
被延迟的张力。 方式检查这个假说将比较一级循环和第百个周期。 为非限定的黏合剂所有周期是重叠在每个温度。 为修改过的黏合剂
图1比较第一个和最后周期为被交互相联的SB修改过的沥清: 与时间,最大张力在测试,但是不可能恢复的张力减退期间是恒定的。 区别
增量与聚合物内容。 这明显地表示,有弹性补救不是完全的和,因此恢复时间不是充足恢复所有被延迟的弹性。 为被交互相联的黏合剂,一个更久的弛豫时间是需要的有被延迟的有弹性作用的总补救。