你能举出几个这样的例子吗?例子Tom is the biack sheep of his family.


If you cause an accident, you get (a black mark beside your name).意思是这个人很坏和black sheep差不多意思。
If he ever says thank you there'll be a (blue moon) in the sky!形容很少很不可能发生的事情,跟太阳打西边出来意思差不多。
Some guys (brown nose) their way to success. But is it success?意思是拍马屁
The smuggler was caught (red-handed) with a kilo of cocaine.抓个现行,当场被有证据的抓住。

green thumb形容对花花草草比较专业的人
greenback 美钞
grey matter Sometimes I wonder if he has any grey matter.形容及其的聪明,聪明的头脑。


第1个回答  2011-07-23
He is a green hand.

你能举出几个这样的例子吗?例子Tom is the biack sheep of his fami...
If he ever says thank you there'll be a (blue moon) in the sky!形容很少很不可能发生的事情,跟太阳打西边出来意思差不多。Some guys (brown nose) their way to success. But is it success?意思是拍马屁 The smuggler was caught (red-handed) with a kilo of cocaine.抓个现行,...

Tonm is the biack sheep of his family 是什么意思? A rainy day alw...
black sheep 有败家子,害群之马的意思 第一句话的意思是 Tonm是他家的败家子。blue除了有蓝色的意思外 还有悲伤的意思 第二句话的意思是 下雨天常常给我悲伤的感觉。望采纳!

[例句]As the owner of the factory I'm like the head of a family, and as such I can't allow any black sheep among my employees.我在厂里好比是一家之主,我不能容忍那种害群之马。
