

This article through to the rural town of fuyang HongShan preschool education of left-behind children investigation and study, understand by the rural conditions, preschool education unattended children there are various problems in the 10 million, hundreds of thousands of farmers leave rural land, into the city, they seek survival because of their social conditions and living conditions in the city and the policy limit, the majority of people will only their children at home, this kind of family pattern of long-term parent-child separation makes the size of the "left-behind children" groups. Because these away from the parents' left-behind children lack of good family education and family care, they are learning, behavior form, psychological, safety and life there are some problems in rural left-behind children can't enjoy the formal pre-school education, and discusses the preschool education of rural left-behind children are the specific problem, the thorough analysis of its cause and on the basis of exploring rural left-behind children pre-school education problem solving strategies.
第1个回答  2011-07-20
This article through to the rural town of fuyang HongShan preschool education of left-behind children investigation and study, understand by the rural conditions, preschool education unattended children there are various problems in the 10 million, hundreds of thousands of farmers leave rural land, into the city, they seek survival because of their social conditions and living conditions in the city and the policy limit, the majority of people will only their children at home, this kind of family pattern of long-term parent-child separation makes the size of the "left-behind children" groups. Because these away from the parents' left-behind children lack of good family education and family care, they are learning, behavior form, psychological, safety and life there are some problems in rural left-behind children can't enjoy the formal pre-school education situation, ?
第2个回答  2020-02-03