新人教版 新目标 八年级 下 英语 需要掌握的动词词组 句型 语法

新人教版 新目标(GO FOR IT) 八年级 下 英语 需要掌握的

各个回答标好号 看标号给分 每个标号 40个左右
某楼您说的是日语 这些咱已经被老师郁闷过并且掌握了。。。的说

1:take care of=look after(照看)
2:thank for doing(感谢做某事)
4:movie theater(电影院)
5:redio station=cinema
6:take your seats(坐下)
8:most comfortable—more comfortable—comfortable(舒适的)
9:the+最高级:the best clothing store(最好的服装店)
11:be busy doing(忘记做某事)
12:hold the sports meeting(开一个运动会)
13:look on as(把。。。。看作)
14:enjoy doing(喜欢做)
15:forget to do\doing
16:be going to do(将要干某事)
18:raise money for charity(为慈善机构捐款)
19:I have seen him 2hours before
I saw him 2hours ago
20:taller and taller
warmer and warmer
more and more expensive(越来越贵){比较级+and+比较级}
21:far form(离。。远)beijing is far from jinan\near to(离..近){北京离济南远/近}
22:be certain(确定)certainly(当然啦)
23:the Olympic games(奥运会)
24:far away(遥远的)
25:European influence(欧洲式的影响)
26:be hard to understand(难以理解)
27:thousand of(上千的)/thousand(一千)
28:mind-discomfort at something(介意)
29:mind doing something(介意做某事)
mind not doing(介意不做某事)
30:turn down the music(把音乐关小)
31:clean the yard(打扫院子)
32:move the car(挪一下车)
33:right away(立刻)
34:in the minute(一会)
35:get out of the barthroom(从浴室里出来)
36:another pair of jeans(另一条牛仔)
37:annoying thing(烦人的事情)
38:complain about(抱怨某事)
39:keep your voice down(控制你的声音)
40:get annoyed(变得恼怒)
41:a terrible haircut(一个很糟的发型)
42:be at a meeting(在开会)
43:finish these tasks(完成这些任务)
44:make dinner(做饭)
45:help me with homework(帮我做作业)
46:no problem(没问题)
47:make some posters(制作海报)
48:waiting in line(排队)
49:has a long telephone conversation(打一个很长的电话)
50:follow me around(到处跟着我)
51:get mad—get annoyed(变得恼怒)
52:these happens to me(这件事发生在我身上)
53:try(not)to be polite[我试着去(不去)礼貌]
I try not to be late(我试着不迟到)
54:cut in line(插队)
55:even of(即使)
56:cose too much(费用太高)
57:company sb(陪伴某人)=spend with
58:the host for the Olympic(奥运会的东道主)
59:improve their English(提高他的英语)
60:In different ways(以不同的方式)
61:from across/(all over)China(来自全中国)
62:enter a contest(参加一个比赛)
63:sing as well as native speaker(唱的和说本族语的一样好)
64:moke sb+adj(使某人)
65:courage sb to do sth(鼓励某人做某事)
66:try to speak English more(试着说更多的英语)
67::make progress(取得进步)
68:have fun with sb(在..中取得乐趣)
69:the Olympic committee(奥委会)
70:Have you ever heard of sth?(你曾经听说过某事吗?)
71:take an interest in (doing)
Be interested in (doing){对...感兴趣}
72:besides singing English songs(除了唱英语歌外)
73:make friends with(与...交朋友)
74:A good way to learn English better=A good way of learning English better(更好的学习英语的方法)
75:practice doing
76:have been doing(一直做某事)
77:since接时间点:since two days ago/since he was two years old
for接时间段:for nine years
78:in fact(事实上)
79:run out of(用完)
80:on my seventh birthday(在我第七个生日)
81:another one with penguins(另一个带企鹅的雪球)
82:by the way
83:the most common hobby(最普通的爱好)
84:the first on to start(第一个开始的人)
85:the whole five hours(整整五个小时)
86:three and a half years 或 three hours and a half(三年半)
87:collect stamps(集邮)
88:would like to do(愿意做)
90:have been to(曾经去过,现在已经回来了)
have gone to(已经去了,现在还没有回来)
91: ①me neither/neither+助动词+主语
neither ②neither..nor(既不也不)
neither you nor I am a teacher(你既不是老师我也不是老师)
③neither of us/them(两者中的任何一个都不)
92:already,yet,just,recently,ever,never,before,so for(现在完成式的标志)
several time(几次),these days,all this year,recently,for+时间段,since+时间点(现在完成式的标志)
93:In an English speaking country(在一个说英语的国家)
94:seem like(仿佛)
95:speak loudly(大声的谈话)
96:It's better to do sth=had better do(最好干某事)
97:in public (在公共场合下)
98:at first(起初)
99:take care not to do=be careful not to do(当心不要去做某事)
100:breaking the rules of etiquette(违反礼节规则)
101:cut in front of you in a line(在你面前插队)
102:put out the cigarette(熄灭香烟)
put it out
103:like to be criticized(喜欢被批评)
104:pick it up(把它捡起来)
105:famous Disney character(著名的迪斯尼人物)
106:around the world(世界各地)
107:a theme park(一个主题公园)
108:all the normal attractions(所有正规吸引人的事物)
109:a roller coaster(一个过山车)
110:see sb walking around(看到某人正在走动)
111:all the time(一直)
112:a Disney cruise(迪斯尼海上巡游)
113:take a ride on the boat(乘船)
114:on board(在甲板上)
115:many attractions(许多吸引人的事物)
116:the boats take different routes(船只沿着不同的路线航行)
117:end up in the same place(意外到达同一个地点)
118:be so much fun(如此好玩)
119:the best way to do this(做这件事的最好方法)
120:flight attendant(空中服务员)
121:the most important requirement(最重要的要求)
122:a tour guide(一个导游)
123:such as(比如说)
第1个回答  2009-03-08











第2个回答  2009-03-12
八年级下 Unit1
1. 免费 be free
3. 活到200岁 live to be 200 years old
5. 更少的污染 less pollution
7. 更少地使用地铁 use the subway less
9. 更多的高楼 more tall buildings
11. 十年后 in ten years
13. 住的地方 places to live
15. 住在太空站 live on the space station
17. 住在公寓 live in an apartment
19. 一个人住 live alone/by oneself
21. 去滑冰 go skating
23. 看起来很时髦 look smart
25. 穿着随意 dress casually
27. 实现 come true
29. 在未来 in the future

八年级下 Unit 2
argued with sb. 与某人生气
have an argument with sb.与某人生气
out of style 不时髦的
in style 时髦的
keep out 不让……进入
call sb. up 打电话给……
on the phone 用电话交谈
pay for 付款
part-time job 兼职工作
Teen Talk 青少年论坛
the same as 与…同样的
get on 相处
as much as possible 尽可能多
all kinds of 各种
on the other hand一方面
borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物
found out 找出
is popular at school 在学校受欢迎
except me 除了我
have a quick supper 去吃快餐
not……until 直到……才
try to do 试着去做
complain about doing sth.抱怨做某事
seem to do
comparing…with 把…与…做比较
think for 为…着想
find it +adj.+to do sth.发现做某事很怎样
learn to do 学会做某事
八年级下 Unit 3
barber shop 理发店
get out 出去
take off 起飞
train station 火车站
come in 进来
Beijing International Airport北京国际机场
hear about 听说
take place 发生
World Trade Center世界贸易中心
as…as 和…一样
in front of 在…的前面
clean my room打扫我的房间
sleep late 睡懒觉
make a smooth做思木西
cook dinner 做晚饭
eat lunch 吃中午饭
cut hair 剪头发
in the morning 在早晨
walk down 走下来
very surprised 非常惊奇
souvenir shop 纪念品商店
TV station 电视台
in the museum 在博物馆
climb a tree 爬树
jump down 跳下
take a photo 照相
called the police报警
rode his bicycle 骑自行车
buy a newspaper买一份报纸
run away 逃跑
think about 考虑…做某事
for example 举例子
heard about 听说
having fun 玩的高兴
in silence 在…
told us 告诉我们
in space 在太空
over the world遍及全世界
became famous因…而出名
next to 挨着
1. arrive at/in
2. a TV reporter
3. in front of
4. in the front of
5. get out of
6. sleep late
7. in(at) the library
8. the Museum of Flight
9. buy a souvenir
10. call the police
11. call the TV station
12. call the newspaper
13. take off
14. an unusual experience
15. jump down from
16. take photos of
17. too scared
18. walk to school
19. in the tree
20. on the tree
21. police officer
22. at the doctor’s
23. go shopping( do some shopping)
24. a barber shop
25. on/in the playground
26. ten minutes ago
27. in silence
28. keep silent/quiet
29. take place
30. become a national hero
31. become/be famous for
32. become/be famous as
33. all over the world (in the world)
34. in turn
35. have fun (enjoy oneself)
36. on the moon
37. be murdered
38. be destroyed
39. on this day
40. hear about/of
41. be born
42. cut hair ( have one’s cut)

八年级下 Unit 5
Have a great time玩的高兴
let in ` ```进来
stay at home 呆在家
Help sb. (to) do sth..帮助某人做某事
take away 拿走
ask sb. To sth
At the party 在晚会上
go to college 去大学
be\become famous变的有名
Travel around the world环游世界
make money 挣钱
work hard 努力工作
A professional soccer player
seem like 看起来像
Make a living 谋生
all over the world世界各地
give money to 捐钱
All the time 一直
for a living 为``````谋生
get injured 受伤
in fact 事实上
Be able to 能够
be going to
spend time 消磨时间
too much 太多
laugh at 笑话某人
go back
In order 为了``````

八年级下 Unit 9
be late for 迟到
look like 看起来象
in order 按顺序
by noon 到中午为止
on the weekend 在周末
have a good day!玩的愉快
looking through 浏览
waiting inline 排队
really low 降低
tell sb. about yourself告诉某人有关你的事
a ball game fan 球迷
be friendly to sb.对某人友好
feel like 感觉像
a friend like you 像你一样的朋友
get along 相处
thanks for 因……而感谢
ask sb. To do sth.要求某人做某事
go with me 和我一起去
think of 想起
leave early 早早离开
at least 至少
be careful 小心
八年纪 下册 Unit 10
most of 大多数
make sb. Laugh让某人笑
like to do 喜欢做某事
like doing
both like 都喜欢
the same like 和``````一样
for me 对我来说
get the job 上班
enjoy doing sth
第3个回答  2020-07-10