Eagles--No More Cloudy Days
Sitting by a foggy window
Staring at the pouring rain
Falling down like lonely teardrops
Memories of love in vain
These cloudy days, make you wanna cry
It breaks your heart when someone leaves and you don't know why
I can see that you've been hurting, baby I've been lonely too
I've been out here lost and searching, looking for a girl like you
Now I believe the sun is gonna shine
Don't you be afraid to love again, put your hand in mine...
Baby, I would never make you cry
I would never make you blue
I would never let you down
I would never be untrue
I know a place where we can go where true love always stays
There's no more stormy nights, no more cloudy days
I believe in second chances
I believe in angels, too
I believe in new romances
Baby, I believe in you
These cloudy days are coming to an end
And you don't have to be afraid to fall in love again
Baby, I would never make you cry
I would never make you blue
I would never turn away
I would never be untrue
I know a place where we can go where true love always stays
There's no more stormy nights, no more cloudy days
我要好点的翻译 不要这些google上面的东西
谁帮我翻译下老鹰的经典句子 重谢!!
Baby, I would never make you cry 亲爱的,我不会再让你哭泣 I would never make you blue 我不会再让你伤心 I would never turn away 我不会离你而去 I would never be untrue 我不会对你撒谎 I know a place where we can go where true love always stays 我知道有个地方我们可以永...
雄鹰不畏风暴的阴遏影响,飞向云霄 。雄 鹰振翅高飞,划过长空。那一片天蓝包容了它的不羁,承载了它的稳重,为此,蓝天才多了一份神秘,多了一份美丽。雄鹰翱翔天宇,虽未留下痕迹,却在人类心中种下了飞翔的梦想 参考资料:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/98008964.html ...
老鹰乐队经典歌曲 Take It Easy 的中文译音
Well, I've been running down the road我已行到路的尽头 tryin' to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负 I've got seven women on my mind:我的心里有七位女人 four that wanna' hold me,四位想把我留在她们身边 two that wanna' stone me,两位恨得要扔我石头 and one says she's a ...
1. 我只知道温室里的花朵会嫉妒高山雪莲的清高自洁,却从不知道天上的苍鹰会嫉妒地上的草鸡。2. 我喜爱鹰,特别是那些爱在山林之间穿梭的鹰。它们有着威武的身躯,在天空中盘旋自如,一双透着寒光的眼睛紧盯着猎物的一举一动,一旦猎物疏忽大意,立马直冲向前,其每一个动作无不透露着它勇猛的*格。...
18. 雄鹰,是一种令人敬畏的动物。鹰对天空拥有统治权,在人们的心目中,它一直都是强者的代名词。19. 大儿叱犊戴星出,稚子捕鱼乘月归。——出自南宋·陆游《访村老》20. 我喜爱鹰,喜爱它在蓝天飞翔的飒爽风姿,喜爱它一冲而下捕食的瞬间,更喜爱它在风雨中搏斗的身影。它那乌黑光亮的羽毛,...
帮助的人:53.2万 我也去答题访问个人页 展开全部 1、《加洲旅店》翻译 Hotel California The Eagles on a dark desert highway,行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上, cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发。 warm smell of colitas,温馨的大麻香, rising up through the air.弥漫在空气中。 up ahead in the di...
求翻译这篇文章 谢谢!速速 现在急需!!!
求eagle乐队的take it easy的翻译歌词!!
Well, I've been running down the road,我已行到路的尽头 tryin' to loosen my load.努力想卸掉心头重负 Got a world of trouble on my mind.烦乱的世界缠绕在我的心头 I'm lookin' for a lover,我在寻找一个爱人 who won't blow my cover.她不会揭去我的遮掩 She's so hard to ...
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