May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset.我对这句话一见钟情,也正是这句话,在我高考语文失利、在我认真负责完成工作却被人误解、在我被一大堆社团工作压得透不过气的时候一直鞭策我继续下去,让我没有中途放弃。与生俱来就拥有一种焦虑感,但也正是这种焦虑让我比别人学的更多、做的更多。从学校到社会,从社团的优秀干部、党员到社会底层的发传单、服务员、促销、工人、家教,再到后来自己在家开办培训班,这种种经历让我的心智得到锻炼,使我更加坚强跟乐观。我从不畏惧云翳,因为我期待云翳之后那个美丽的黄昏。我知道我并不是最优秀的那个人,拥有的不过是初生牛犊不怕虎的精神和一腔什么都敢于尝试的孤勇,但每个勇敢的人都值得被鼓励。我不是最优秀的那个人,但我在努力让优秀成为一种习惯,我相信终有一天,我会成为人群中那个自带光芒的人。
but I am trying to make a good habit, I believe that one day, I will become the people with bright light.
好了 切入正题(因为英语和汉语的写作方法有所不同,所以翻译也略有不同:My parents really cared about me when i was small;they reminded me to do my homeworks everyday. At the same time, i learned lots of hobbies and extra cricular activities like badminton, photography, and ping...
I am the applicant xx. I desire to major in architecture at xx.From September 2008 to July 2011, I studied at xx. After the college entrance examination, I considered a lot about my dream and future.I love the architecture deeply on account of it blending painting and math ...
From grade one to grade four, the GPA of each year must be raised continuously, and a very important reason is to master the way of studying.In the university,the most important thing is to study by yourself and learn about a subject that you were never access to. Every time...
写作思路:根据题目要求,以个人陈述作为主题,可以从学术背景、研究工作、博士生毕业后的就业目标三个方面来进行陈述,正文:Academic background 一、学术背景 I am a junior majoring in computer science and technology in xxxxxx College of Computer Science and Technology. For academics, they have...
also participated in 2003 and in 2004 China's merchandise trade fairs translation work. 2004 I have made outstanding achievements Shenzhen Everbright Securities Company favor, the company entered the practice of qualified graduates in the year, in addition to giving full play to my trans...
professional and want to learn what the ideal job.What is the ideal, how they want to achieve.Why do I want to enter this school, how the future through the study of life.Sentence simply points on the line. I plan to learn the direction of economic management exhibition....
紧急求救!关于出国留学的个人陈述(Personal Statement)
我是专科的,专业是国际会计,明年毕业,准备留学美国,今天办留学的公司打电话叫我写一篇个人个人陈述(Personal Statement),说外国学校要求。今天我自己试着把自己以前的一些经历写了一下,可惜英文太差,写得很不好。.我对这个也不熟,请各位大侠们帮帮忙! 可以帮忙改一下,或给些意见吗?下面是我今天写的,还有好多单...
4. This experience has moved me greatly. I understand now that there are many things in the world that we could have done. However, we were not able to accomplish them because we didn't have enough determination and perseverance.保证回答质量。。。我的英语比中文好。 (八岁就移民...
I hope very much to the anglophone America linguistics yard to learn, fast to improve their English level, and mastering a foreign advanced management professional knowledge, develop myself become socially useful talent, with their own intelligence, and to serve the society.In my attenti...