找valder fields 的歌词翻译!歌手简介!


  I was found on the ground by the fountain
  about a field of a summer stride
  lying in the sun after i had tried
  lying in the sun by the side

  we all agreed that the council would
  end up three hours over-time
  shoelaces were tied at the traffic lights
  i was running late, could apply

  for another one, i guess
  after parking stores are best
  they said that there would be delays
  on the temporary pay

  she was found on the ground in a gown
  laying by the field of the summer asleep
  staring at the concrete, trying not to cry
  when somebody left his life

  she would never sleep in a gown
  so she takes his keys to the bedroom door
  takes a step outside, by the fountain
  gazing at the field, what a view

  Tamas Wells既是团名也是其中主唱的名字,这支来自澳洲墨尔本的indie-pop乐团最早成立于2000年初,当时只有Owen Gray (bass, harmonica)及Ben Castle(violin)两名成员,发行的第一张EP"Hello Jealousy"是张带点政治意味的民谣唱片,创作灵感来自当年的“第三世界国家债务解除运动”,第二年鼓手Nathan Collins的加入带入了新的创作元素,而接下来紧密的巡回演出,也为Tamas Wells在当地乐界积累了不少人气。2002年3月和8月分别发行了两张广受好评的EP("Cigarettes, a Tie and a Free Magazine"及"Stitch In Time"),Ben中途退出接着加入了Tamas和Anthony。知名制作人Tim Whitten(曾制作过Gersey, Art of Fighting, Gaslight Radio)在听过"Stitch in Time" 之后颇为欣赏,邀请他们来悉尼的Megaphon studios共同录制新唱片,2004年第一张专辑"A Mark On The Pane"曾被评为当年最美的唱片之一。
  尽管Tamas Wells十岁那年没能通过AMEB一级钢琴考试,却是从那时起真正喜爱上音乐,当被人提及他那“毫不做作的天使般的嗓音”时,他说那是一天喝八升水的成果。听着Tamas Wells总是容易想起那些骑着单车四处游荡无忧无虑的校园时光,如此纯净美好的声音,不着迷都不行~
  Owen Gray(bass, harmonica) - 欧文·格雷(贝斯,口琴)
  Ben Castle(violin) - 本·卡索(小提琴) [后中途退出]
  Nathan Collins(drumm) - 内森·柯林斯(鼓)
  Tamas Wells(vocal,guitar) - 塔马斯·韦尔斯(主唱,吉他) [后加入]
  Anthony Francis(keyboard) - 安东尼·弗朗西斯(键盘) [后加入]
  第一张专辑 Tamas Wells - A Mark On The Pane
  发行时间: 2004
  出版者: Popboomerang
  介质: Audio CD
  01 - when do we fail abigail
  02 - broken by the rise
  03 - chandeliers
  04 - reduced to clear
  05 - petit mal at a grand occasion
  06 - even in the crowds
  07 - annalee argyle
  08 - segue in gm
  09 - if you bring me aubergines
  10 - a dark horse will either run first or last
  第二张专辑 Tamas Wells - A Plea En Vendredi 又名: 轻柔醉人的
  发行时间: 2006
  版本特性: Import
  出版者: Popboomerang
  介质: Audio CD
  1 from prying plans into the fire 3:19
  2 valder fields 2:38
  3 vendredi (waiting where you can't see) 2:58
  4 lichen and bees (the fever of small tiwn ventures) 3:05
  5 yes, virginia, there is a ruling class 1:12
  6 the opportunity fair 2:56
  7 valour 5:10
  8 the telemarketer resignation 2:21
  9 i'm sorry that the kitchen is on fire 3:06
  10 melon street book club 2:51
  11 open the blinds 4:14
  因好听而难以决定试听选择的,这张是今年头一遭。面对如此出色的专辑,任何溢美之词都因它而黯然失色,以至于Brisbane当地的Time Off Magazine对此专辑的评价只有一个词——Stunning…
  这张专辑是我近几个月来听到的新专辑中,绝对可以列如前三的.平缓优美的旋律,没有什么激昂的东西,可是就这么平淡着,慢慢的渗 透到我的内心.木吉他,配上简单的鼓点,偶尔用些钢琴做点缀,真的证明了往往最简单直接的东西才是最动人的.tamas wells从澳大利亚开始了自己的音乐事业,并且通过他的第1张唱片a mark on the pane让他在美国,英国,乃至日本都有属于他的听众.怎么说他的音乐风格呢?用独立方式制作出带着流行味道的民谣.虽然看起来 有点矛盾,但仔细想想,却是很贴切的.首先,他的音乐制作程序和制作方式完全是属于独立范畴的.其次,他的音乐并非是属于另类的 ,而是朗朗上口,带着流行的气息.最后,他的音乐质朴的风味充满了民谣的气息.也因此,这样的形容完全合理.现在,你要做的,就 是把它down到自己的硬盘中,慢慢体会这一份充满春天气息的温馨.
  第三张专辑 Two Years In April
  专辑歌手:Tamas Wells
  01. Fine, Don't Follow a Tiny Boat for a Day
  02. I Want You to Know It's Now or Never
  03. Three Courses and an Open Canoe
  04. For the Aperture
  05. The Northern Lights
  06. Sanctuary Green
  07. Writers from Nepean News
  08. The Day that She Drowned, Her Body Was Found
  09. Signs I Can't Read
  10. Grace and Seraphim
  其他专辑:Hello Jealousy
  Cigarettes,a Tie and a Free magazine
  Stitch In Time

找valder fields 的歌词翻译!歌手简介!
I was found on the ground by the fountain 被你发现时我就躺在一眼泉水旁 about a field of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after i had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 便躺在阳光下,小路旁 we all agreed that the council ...

valder fields歌词 valder fields歌简介
I was found on the ground by the fountain at valder fields and was almost dry 人们在仙境之桥的喷泉旁发现了几乎快被太阳晒干的我 Lying in the sun after I had tried 在尝试无果后躺在烈日之下 Lying in the sun by the side 和阳光肩并肩地躺在一起 We had agreed that the council ...

valder fields的歌词含义
Valder Fields是Tamas Wells在缅甸北部的一个雨季里写成的。当时Tamas正致力于一个社会卫生艾滋病毒\/艾滋病的教育项目。这首歌是一种意识流的歌,暗示在生活的责任(遵守时间,申请职位)与一种迈克。罗尼格(澳大利亚漫画家 Michael Leunig) 式的生活计划(在温泉边温暖的泥土上睡觉)之间的压力。Tamas建议...

valder field的歌词(中\/英)?
in valder fields with a mountain view(他在一片山色美景中)

valder fields 的歌词内容是什么含义、有点不理解它要表达的意思
歌名:valder fields 歌手:Tamas Wells 作曲 : Tamas Wells 作词 : Tamas Wells I was found on the ground by the fountain at valder 我躺在泉边的地上就在瓦尔德 fields and was almost dry 的田野里,快被晒干了 lying in the sun after I had tried 挣扎之后躺在烈日下面 lying in the...

Valder Fields 歌词翻译 谢谢了

Valder Fields 歌词翻译 谢谢了

valder fields这首歌怎么翻译?
Valder是一个地名。 这首歌曲收录于专辑<A Plea En Vendredi>中 中文翻译: Valder Fields(地名) 我在Valder Fields的泉水池旁的地上躺着 这里的空气好干燥 尝试过后,我沐浴在阳光中 静静的躺在阳光下 我们都觉得那会议要推迟3个小时才能结束 鞋带被系在了红绿灯上 所以我跑得迟了,...

Valder Fieds Tamas wells 翻译
valder fields (自由之地) Tamas wells (歌手名)I was found on the ground by the fountain about 我被发现时 就躺在一股泉水旁 a fields of a summer stride 那是一片充满夏日气息的土地 lying in the sun after I had tried 当我感到些许疲倦时 lying in the sun by the side 就这样...

Valder Fields,这个地方仿佛是童年的摇篮,深深地烙印在回忆中。在路易斯安那州的古老棉田里,母亲曾轻哄我入睡,那里的故事和温暖如今似乎成了一个甜蜜的烦恼。一次,我在田间不慎被铁钉扎破了轮胎,不得不长途跋涉寻找帮助。在那个陌生的城镇,我遇见了一位和蔼的老人,他戴着一顶帽子,成为了我回家...
