Time is urgent, the mission request to be higher.On September 4 noon ago.Had better not want the tool translation.The Japanese business enterprise hatches from eggs the big part in machine to out from the 公 , the people's both parties the 资 establishes, also having some is...
3、 我们认为他不能在一个小时内走完那段距离,但是他成功地做到了这一点。(cover, succeeded in doing sth. )We didn't think he would cover that distance within one hour, but he succeeded in doing that.4、 那位名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要的角色。(minor)It seemed that the ...
高分 求助 翻译 英译汉
I always engraved in mind you, cared about you, worried about you. The cold weather, for fear you do not know that the rate of clothes. travel back late, and worry about your safety;
螺狮 身上好像有个圆,吃喝拉粪假山边,虽然人们喜欢它,见到人来它也怕。大蒜 兄弟姐妹五六个,围着柱子团团坐,一但大家要分手,衣服扯破才出门。
I got access to some members of the bank on my own so that I found out some knowledge that don't be refered in books to overcome the disavantage of our major which has a weakness praticality.I am also interested in many things that I want to know them,and although the t...
He spent two weeks in completing the investigation all by himself.3 除非他自己意识到这一危险,否则没有人能够阻止他干这事 Unless he realizes it is dangerous to do that,nobody else can prevent him.4 如果你想取得好成绩,就不能过分依赖别人的帮助 If you want to get good results,...
6、安全在严谨中攀高,服务在和谐中提升 6, safety in precise up, service in harmony in ascension 7、漫步云端,谐和平安;7, strolling in the clouds and concordant peace.飞行安全,重于泰山 Flight safety, heavier than mount tai 8、烟头随手而灭,防火时时留心 8 and cigarette butts ...
高分求助 中翻英
having operatability teaching. Be carried out the spirit of reform "experiencing dyadic teaching " , being to need to be based on the new course , be experienced that in the course , be come to realize in the course , be studied in experiencing middle by the student, grow up...
I made the choice on the basis of the conditions of the school, the curriculum setting-up and the school location.2.我认为金钱与知识是不能相提并论的,花费金钱去接受优质的教育,利用所学的知识去实现自己的人生理想才是最重要的.I think that it can never be a comparison between ...