In a study of hotel customers (Mattila 1999),
customers with Western cultural backgrounds tended to rely more on the
tangible cues from the physical environment than their Asian counterparts, who rely more on the intangible cues. Malhotra et al. (2005) compared
SERVQUAL models between developed and developing economies and
found significant differences between the developed country, such as the
US, and the developing countries, such as India and the Philippines.
The RSQS model has also been examined in alternative cultural
contexts. Kim and Jin (2002) tested the RSQS model using US and Korean consumers and found that Korean consumers perceived service quality of discount stores differently than the US consumers. This finding provides additional support for the need for other studies that observe cultural differences in consumer perceptions of service quality (e.g. Malhotra etal. 1994; Herbig & Genestre 1996; Donthu & Yoo 1998; Mattila 1999; Furrer et al. 2000; Witkowski & Wolfinbarger 2001), as well as for studies that assess the need to adjust service quality measures when they are used in different business settings (e.g. Babakus & Boller 1992; Dabholka et al.1996; Winsted 1997, 1999; Furrer et al. 2000).
The SERVQUAL and RSQS models were originally developed in a
Western environment. Research-based critiques, such as those discussed
above, have challenged the accuracy, applicability and generalisability of
both models within alternative cultural settings (Mattila 1999). Those
findings indicate that neither SERVQUAL nor RSQS should be blindly
applied to different industries and different cultures with the assumption
that a retail customer in one culture is like the retail customer in a different cultural setting. The result is a need to discover the different underlying structure for, and dimensions of, service quality perceptions in alternative cultural settings.
Besides the SERVQAL and RSQS models themselves, the items measuring latent constructs also need reconsideration when applied to different cultures (Smith & Reynolds 2002). However, in the previous studies, researchers used SERVQUAL’s 22 items and RSQS’s 28 items without any revision when they applied these models to different cultural settings (Witkowski & Wolfinbarger 2001; Zhao et al. 2002). Such a research strategy would generally not be considered to be correct in cross-cultural studies because some items that are important in one culture may not even make sense in another culture. In fact, Zhao et al. (2002) investigated the SERVQUAL scale’s statistical reliability and the dimensions of service quality in a Chinese retailing service setting and suggested that more items directly related to the Chinese retail environment should be added.
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3:f(1)=1 xf(x)=x+ f1到x f(x)dt 求导: f(x)+xf\/(x)=1+f(x) f\/(x)=1\/x f(x)=lnx+C 所以C=1 f(x)=lnx+1 4: 2x +e^z *(az\/ax)=2az\/ax az\/ax=2x\/(2--e^z) 同理az\/ay =2y\/(2--e^z) e^z *(az\/ay * az\/ax)+e^z * ...