
you say you love pickled cabbage. Is this the same like the corean poeple eat? I can not remember the You complane about your english learnig. You might feel not too much progress. But i can see a big difference. And it is getting better every day. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! And i am so happy i can find out more about you and your living every day. About Visiting Beijin. I can not wait to see you again there. Yesterday i got a telephoncall from my company. They were talking about a trip to Chang Chun. I hope they pick me so we could meet in Beijin. But i do not want you to make you too much hope, they might pick somebody else. And this trip can be ealiest in 10 weeks. So i still hope they pick me. About school. I just wanted to know if you think you can finish school before or after the Chinese spring festival? Miss you like every day! Where do you het these smylies from? I only can use a verry limited ammount and it is borring. Yours are much nicer!

you say you love pickled cabbage. Is this the same like the corean poeple eat? I can not remember the You complane about your english learnig. You might feel not too much progress. But i can see a big difference. And it is getting better every day. I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! 你说你喜欢腌的包菜。是否和corean(我不知道是哪的人)人吃的一样?我不记得你对学英语抱怨过。你可能感觉不到很大的进步。但我可以看到很大的不同。变得一天比一天好。我很为你骄傲!!!!! And i am so happy i can find out more about you and your living every day. 我很高兴我可以每天了解你和你的生活。 About Visiting Beijin. I can not wait to see you again there. 关于去北京,我迫不及待的想在那再次见到你。 Yesterday i got a telephoncall from my company. They were talking about a trip to Chang Chun. I hope they pick me so we could meet in Beijin. 昨天,我接到了一个公司打来的电话,他们讲到去长春的旅行。我希望选我去,那么我们就可以在北京见面。 But i do not want you to make you too much hope, they might pick somebody else. 但我不想给你太多的期望,他们也可能挑选其他人。 And this trip can be ealiest in 10 weeks. 这个旅行最早会在10周内。 So i still hope they pick me. 所以,我仍然希望他们选我去。 About school. I just wanted to know if you think you can finish school before or after the Chinese spring festival? 关于学校。我只是想知道你认为你什么时候能够完成,春节前还是春节后? Miss you like every day! 思念你就像每一天! Where do you het these smylies from? 你在哪弄到的这些smylies(不知道是什么) ? I only can use a verry limited ammount and it is borring. 我只会用很小一部分,并且有些无聊。 Yours are much nicer! 你的好多了!
第1个回答  2014-09-05
你说你爱酸菜,就像是韩国人那样吃嗎?我不记得你对英语学习的抱怨.你可能觉得没有太多进展,但我可以看到一个很大的不同之处。它是一天比一天更有进步。我以你为傲!!!!!我很高兴我可以更了解您和您的生活. 关于参观北京.我迫不及待地想再次见到你.昨天我在公司接到了一通电话..他们谈论的是长春之旅。我希望他们选择我,那么我们就能在北京见面了. 但我不想让你抱太大的希望,他们可能会选择别人。而且这趟旅程可能会在10个星期以内.然而我还是希望他们能够选择我.关于学校的学习. 我只是想知道,你可以在春节之前或之后能完成嗎? 我每天都想念你...~~!!! 你是从哪里得到这些(smylies)的? 我只可以使用一个非常有限的,这太无聊了... 你的好多了.... 只能这样翻译.....有错别字...还有查不出的单词...是不是打错了?????好头疼.....翻译到头晕.........希望能幫上忙...本回答被提问者采纳