
80年代是享受的年代,是丰裕的年代,物资主义成为生活的中心,无论从全世界角度来看还是西方国家的角度来看,贫富之间的绝对悬殊越来越大,美国作家汤姆•沃尔夫说这个年代应该被称为“给我的年代”(gimme decade,是两个英语单词give和me合成的新词)。1976年美国新总统罗纳德•里根上任,1980年英国新首相玛格丽特•撒切尔夫人从工党手中夺回英国的领导权,标志着这个新时期的开始,而从这两个领导人的政治地位来看,可以明确地看出:西方国家重新回到了保守主义。
在时装方面,穿着讲究无害,讲究不挑战,60年代和70年代的那些具有挑衅性的东西,好像蓬克鸡冠式的莫希干人发型,现在都被主流时装设计吸收,归顺了,因此也就不再具有反叛的力量了,在高级时装的舞台上,蓬克装的样式居然成为时髦的方式之一。在主流社会中,女性开始期望新的保守风格,比如在英国,女性们重新追求服装中的浪漫主义气氛,微微恩•韦斯特伍德(Vivienne Westwood)设计的浪漫的“海盗”系列取得巨大的成功,主要就是因为有这样德社会需求基础。流行歌手乔治男孩(Boy George)和普林斯(Prince)穿着欢娱的天鹅绒外衣,衬衣宽松,套装设计充满了幻想感,1981年戴安娜嫁给英国王子查尔斯,她穿的那套神话中公主穿的婚纱通过电视迷倒了千百万观众,女性们无论老少都希望自己能够有实现这样的美梦的一天。70年代,美满婚姻被视为小资产阶级的梦想,到80年代却成为事实,可以想象人们是如何的高兴和欢欣。
多挣钱,猛花钱(英语叫“work hard and play hard”),是这个时候好多年轻人的座右铭。赚了就花,花得比赚的还快,消费主义是社会精神的中心。工作12个小时,玩他一个通宵,是好多人的生活方式,而要实现多赚钱,当然要找好工作,为了找好工作,穿衣服是很关键的,因此,80年代的人实在很讲究,他们的穿主要是为了自己的工作前途,美国第一夫人南西•里根和英国首相撒切尔夫人给女性树立了榜样。
80年代时髦形式是“雅皮”(the yuppie是由英语的“年轻的、住在城市中德职业人士”-young urban professional几个单词的缩写拼凑成新称谓),雅皮士们穿西装打领带,根本不怕人家说他们穿的像父亲一代,对一些喜欢品味的人来说,这个变化自然是从70年代随便穿,或者称为“恐怖的随意”中解放出来的好现象。雅皮士喜欢单身,即便同居,也不要小孩,喜欢在证券交易所、律师事务所、传媒中工作,男性的雅皮士穿得象征权力:双排扣的老式西装,主要的牌子是阿玛尼、雨果•波斯或者拉尔夫•劳伦(Ralph Lauren)的,肩膀部位有很厚的衬垫,好像电视剧《迈阿密警官》(Miami Vice)中那些男主角穿的一样。穿的人希望人家觉得他表里如一,显示个人品质保守、讲究和有高品位。


Is a return to the era of the 1980s, from the turbulence of a rebel challenge to the smooth return of a conservative period and the status quo. 1960 has been called "the swinging 1960s," and the 1970s were "wild 1970s." 1980s, but returned to normal. This time against the hippies and their way of life people, it can be said that the 1980s and 60, In sharp contrast to the 1970s are two forms, the latter from the extreme change for the actual exploration, re-emphasize the enjoyment of the people. about personal success, about materialism, the spiritual supremacy of the previous 20 years, the dominant ideology of the culture, 1980s is a tremendous turning point. Is the enjoyment of the 1980s, it was the era of abundant material has become the center of life. Whether from the perspective of the world or the West's point of view, the absolute gap between the rich and the poor is growing. American writer Tom wolf that in this era should be called "to the 1990s" (gimme decade. two English words and give me synthesis of new words). The new U.S. president Ronald Reagan took office in 1976. 1980 British Prime Minister Mrs. Margaret THATCHER back from the hands of the British Labor Party leadership. This marks the beginning of the new era, and the political status of these two leaders, it is clear to see : Western countries back to a conservative. In fashion, wearing a harmless stress, stress does not challenge those of the 1960s and 1970s, provocative stuff. like punk hairstyle crest of the Mohicans who is now absorbed by mainstream fashion design, submission, Therefore, he does not have the strength of the rebels in the fashion arena. The pattern has even become fashionable punk installed one of the ways. In mainstream society, women began to hope that the new conservative style, such as in the United Kingdom, The women were wearing seeking re-Romantic atmosphere pico 恩•韦斯特伍德 (Joan Westwood), a romantic design of the "pirates" made a huge success in the series. Germany is mainly because of this basic social needs. Pop singer George boys (Boy George) and Prince (Prince) wearing a velvet jacket filled program, loose shirt, suit design with a sense of fantasy, British Prince Charles married Diana in 1981. She wore a bridal package mythology, the princess wore captured the hearts of millions of television viewers. both young and old women who want to achieve their dream of the day. In 1970s, the happy marriage is considered petty-bourgeois dream of the 1980s has become a reality. imagine how people are happy and joy. However, as the development of the 1980s, this romantic, Poseate began to fade by the superficial. 1960 baby boom generation of young people to want to earn money, and hope that the rich and individualism, selfish values, union dissipating everyone to consider and not consider the values and interests of the community. Earn more, spend Meng (English and "work hard and play hard"). is the motto at this time a lot of young people. Make the spent flowers faster than profits from the consumer is the spirit of the community center. Working 12 hours, playing a night is a lot of people's way of life and to achieve more money. Of course, to get a good job, to find a good job, and clothes is very crucial, therefore, is very particular about the 1980s. they wear is for their future work. First Lady 南西• Reagan and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher set an example for women. 1980s fashion is a form of "purity" (English is the yuppie "young. German professional people living in cities, "the acronym -young urban professional piecing together words into several new titles). Yapishi have to wear a suit and tie, simply saying that they are not afraid to wear his father's generation, as for the people who like the taste, This change from the 1970s is naturally casual wear, or as "random terror" liberate the good. Yapishi like a single, even cohabitation, children do not like on the stock exchange, law firms, media, Yapishi dress for Independent symbol of male power : the old-style suits, the main brand is Armani. Hugo •波斯 or Ralph Lauren (Ralph Lauren), the shoulder part of a very thick liner dramas like "Miami police officers" (Miami Vice), a man who wore the same. He say what they think people want to wear, shows personal qualities conservative, stress and high grade.