英语翻译 求大神 要自己翻 不要用软件 拜托


第1个回答  2015-05-20
People are confused for some unexplained phenomena, one example is the possibility of the existence of yeti

Snowman is said to be higher than the average person, but to walk at an amazing speed and strength

Although some report that saw the footprints of belongs to the snowman, but found no evidence that more evidence of its existence.

With the development of science and technology, the unknown we have will be explained in the future.

We hope that scientists can solve this mystery, give us a satisfactory answer
第2个回答  2015-05-20




英语翻译 求大神 要自己翻 不要用软件 拜托
People are confused for some unexplained phenomena, one example is the possibility of the existence of yeti Snowman is said to be higher than the average person, but to walk at an amazing speed and strength Although some report that saw the footprints of belongs to the snowman, ...

If you see an old man fallen down on the ground, will you help him get up?

英语翻译 求大神 要自己翻 不要用软件
Nowadays, English is the language most commonly used as well as one of the working languages at the United Nations. It is the native language of England, the United States of America, Australia and other countries. Besides, it is spoken as the official language or the second lang...

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英语翻译 求大神 要自己翻 不要用软件 拜托
People are paying more and more attention to healthy diet.A healthy diet includes eating more fruit and vegetable.From a long-term development standpoint, it is most important for young people to have a healthy diet and good eating habits.Many people burn up calories and keep fit ...

The scenery here is extremely pleasing to the eye.

他们很可能会感到一束光在不远处闪烁。你难道不认为你可以将它和生活比较吗?当你在生活和工作中遇到障碍,你迷失在黑暗中。思绪尚不清晰,你无须立即挣扎。这似乎是消极的态度,但一个能够承受如此的人一定有前瞻也有首当一切的勇气。自己翻得 希望对你又帮主 ...

6、Neither truly do I count it as a worthy opinion to hold that the body of man is polluted by God; the most impure by the most holy.坦白说,我也不会把它当成很有价值的观点——上帝污染了人类的身体。最不纯净的就是那些最神圣的东西。7、For were the body defiled, it would ...

我就意译了啊,不是按标准的一个一个字翻译。我的一些同学比我大很多,所以我并不是那么了解他们。但是这并不是问题,因为无论什么时候我们做一些我从未做过的群体活动时,我都会很快地,被确认安排一个更年轻的人与我搭档。鄙人不才= =就能翻译成这样了,也不知道对不对。望采纳。

呵呵,楼主真会做生意.拜托,如果你要为你们的产品做个英语翻译的广告的时候请你去找个专业翻译的,不要在这里省那几个钱.既然你那么聪明会在这里叫人帮你翻译,那怎么就不自己翻呢.请个人帮你翻吧,很便宜的,何况你赚那么多也不差那么点钱啦 虽然你的东西看起来很好吃,不过在这里要别人帮你翻译你就...
