

第1个回答  2014-11-06
Self-cultivation, regulating the family, governing, Put to the world本回答被提问者采纳

修身、齐家、治国、平天下」的翻译是:Cultivate oneself, regulate the family, govern the state, and pacify the world.修身,指的是个人的道德修养和自我完善。这可以通过学习、反思和实践来实现,使个人成为一个有德行和素质的人。例如,孔子曾说过“吾日三省吾身”,强调了反思和自我修养...

翻译如下 修身,齐家,治国,平天下 rectifying the mind, regulate the family, country and the world

修身、齐家、治国、平天下 To cultivate the moral self, regulate the family, maintain the state rightly and make all peaceful.

翻译一 Self-cultivating; family-regulating;state-ordering;then the land great governed.翻译二 To cultivate the moral self, regulate the family, maintain the state rightly and make all peaceful.这个没有定论,给你一个网站 http:\/\/www.chinaknowledge.de\/Literature\/Classics\/daxue.html ...

"修身齐家治国平天下" 英文怎样翻译?
可以说成 Hitler tried to ‘conquer’ Europe and the world 征服了别国而采强权统治必不得民心 如果他真的征服了天下 后果会是甚么样!「修身、齐家、治国、平天下」四件事情都有正面意思 相对下‘conquer’却含眨意 不适合这里采用。如以‘bring peace’取代 有用德政治世而令世人心悦诚服的意思...

修身,齐家,治国,平天下。 用英语怎么说
修身=自学=teach oneself 齐家=理家=manage family affairs 治国=adminster the manors 平天下=adminster the country

修身齐家治国平天下 翻译:Self-cultivating;Family-regulating;State-ordering;The land great governed.

修身养性齐家治国平天下 翻译成英文
Form your mind,cultivate your moral character, regulate your family, commit yourself to the career of country's development and finally give peace to the whole world!希望能帮到你~

这句话很难直接翻译,因为缺少了英文句子中必要的主语,齐家治国平天下的意思是整齐家眷(成家),立志去管理国家,最后平定四方叛乱。我们也就可以说A proper regulation of a family and governing of a nation are the necessities for a peaceful world ...

Moral culture, together family, cure the country, even world.
