【摘要】 在国际私法领域,最密切联系原则是一个极为重要的原则,它的出现在世界范围内产生了广泛的影响,得到了大多数国家立法和实践的支持。但该原则的灵活性也赋予了法官较大的自由裁量权,从而可能导致法官在处理案件时出现权力滥用的现象,造成最密切联系原则操作中的一些弊端。因此,我们应当处理好法官自由裁量权的度的问题,使最密切联系原则进一步得到完善,最大限度地发挥其在国际私法中的积极作用。
【关键词】 国际私法 最密切联系原则 自由裁量权
the flexibility of the principle at same time give the jadges more discretion,thus may result the abuse of the power when the judges deal with cases.Consequently,we should ensure the standard of the discretion the jadges owned and make Most Significant connection perfect.So it can ...
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for example on the basis of demonstrated understanding of cultural differences in international business negotiations importance.
With the rapid economic development and the continuous improvement of living standards, human demand for energy has widened. Conventional sources of energy to bring the two major issues: First, the energy crisis - declining conventional sources of energy it take to make, and the other ...
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Xiaogan city commercial bank marketing present situation problems and Countermeasures Abstract: the commercial bank is the main body of the financial system, the core of the modern economy. And the marketing of commercial banks, commercial banks is to ensure the normal operation and ...
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the system innovates and strengthens own talented person attraction, is the smooth implementation the western area talented person strategy effective countermeasure and the measure.First discovers the main question which the western area talented person strategy faces, again analyzes the backgro...
technology to promote and upgrade the traditional manufacturing industries, to speed up the upgrading of the structure of the manufacturing sector, taking a new road to industrialization has important practical significance.关键词 Key words 信息技术趋势 Information technology trends ...
高分悬赏,英语高手请进!翻译论文摘要,拒绝翻译软件翻译,主要是翻译软 ...
翻译答案是:Wound cascade induction motor speed control system design Abstract Speed is the cascade-type motor rotor winding loop of string attached to the adjustable potential to change the motor to the poor, to achieve the purpose of speed. And deterioration of quality of power by ...