The role of ‘Eddie’in the popular TV comedy series ‘Frasier’was played by a Jack Russell called Momse;at the height of his fame he received more fan mail than any of his human co-stars,and was reputed to have ear¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ned $10,000 an episode.As a puppy Moose was always in trouble of some kind; constantly escaping,chewing things up and running off tried his owners patience to the limit,and it finally ran out altoghther after he killed a nerghbours cat and chased some horses.He was saved from the pound by his trainer who spotted some hidden star quality; after appearing in 192 episodes he retired from show business at the age of 10 and for the last two seasons his role was taken over by his look-alike son Enzo who had already appeared as his stunt double.He died in 2006 at the age of 16.
The associations of Pet Dog Trainers was founded in 1995by John Fisher to offer pet dog owners a guarantee of quality when trying to find a puppy or dog class or trainer in their area. ALL APDT members are assessed according to a strict code of practice, and agree to abide by kind and fair principles of training- coercive and punitive techniques are not used.A list of trainers can be obtained by contacting the APDT either by post,telephone ,or via their website.
我提醒一下,这是一些关于宠物狗的文章,开始的这个STAR QUALITY,应该翻译成‘明星气质’,尽量意译,翻译高手进,谢谢!!!