


The Matrix series in recent years world-renowned sci-fi films, it's Trilogy: The Matrix, The Matrix 2: Reloaded, The Matrix 3: revolution, structured tells the story of a future world, where people are machines ruled, the majority of people living in the virtual machine in the world, but there is still a small number of human beings, their struggle for freedom, and while the film's leading man - Londono, they were hailed as the "savior" and to human the freedom to continue to pay their own efforts. Videos use a lot of stunt scenes in the drama at the same time rendering the end of sentiment, and personal attention of a hero, attracting a large number of spectators, the trilogy at the box office have been a great success, is rare in recent years, science fiction video of the classic category.
第1个回答  2009-06-14
Hackers empire series is famous in the world in recent years, it's the science fiction, the matrix trilogy, the matrix reloaded 2:3: hackers empire, revolution, the distinct tells a future world where people are machine, most people ruled that lives in the world in the virtual machine, but there are still a few humans, they are fighting for freedom, and film actor, mourinho, is reputed as "their savior", and to the freedom of humanity continuously pay their own efforts. Use a lot of film, special camera in the end of rendering plot, and personal feelings, hero attracted a lot of attention to the audience at the box office is, has achieved great success in recent years, is the science fiction films such as the classic.

The Matrix 2: Reloaded, The Matrix 3: revolution, structured tells the story of a future world, where people are machines ruled, the majority of people living in the virtual machine in the world,

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