
Around noon on October 7, 2005, my Russian-born wife Nafisa gave birth to our daughters, Lara and Hana. I had lived in the United States for over 20 years, but moved back to Pakistan in 2000 to be with my father during the final years of his life (he died in October 2004). I was working as a school principal (校长) in Islamabad. After spending the day at the hospital, my mother and I went home at about 9 p.m., while my sister Elmira stayed on with Nafisa and the babies. I was so excited that I hardly slept that night. Nafisa had asked me to bring her some fresh fruit, so the next morning I drove to a market next to the Margalla Towers. At the same time, my mother stayed at home. Just before 9, as I was picking out some apples and bananas, the ground started to move from side to side. The shaking (抖动) became stronger and the air filled with strange noises. Everyone in the market rushed outside and started crying. Finally, after several minutes, the earthquake (地震) stopped. Part of the Margalla Towers had fallen down. People covered with blood (血) could be seen everywhere. Later I learned that when the ground started shaking, Nafisa and Elmira carried the babies and rushed out of the hospital. By the time my mother and I arrived at the hospital, they were resting on the grass. Just as we were moving back into the building at about 3 p.m., another strong shaking hit. The aftershock (余震) continued for several days. Whenever the shaking started, we just held the babies and tried to calm (使平静) each other. We felt completely helpless. Still we were among the lucky ones. The earthquake had destroyed much of Kashmir — thousands died and many more were left homeless. Many of our friends had been killed. My school reopened a few days after the earthquake. The following weeks at the school were full of worries. During the aftershocks, I had to sound the alarm (警报) to all 3,000 students and 300 teachers. Much of the time the school was strangely quiet. The students stayed in small groups rather than run around and play. As a principal, I was used to telling students to keep quiet and calm. Now I started to miss all that noise. Like so many people in Pakistan, I've spent a lot of time trying to find out why we had to experience this terrible earthquake. I now believe life wanted to teach us a lesson. One minute I was on top of the world and the next I was at the bottom.






找一根木棍随身携带. 把它举在胸前. 要是有危险动物出没, 它们会去咬这根棍子而不是你. 然后它们就会跑走. 不要害怕那些大型动物; 通常它们会害怕你. 但是一定要小心. 小动物也可能是危险的. 走路时要发出声音; 它们就会逃开你. 寻找河流, 跟着河流走. 人们通常生活在河流附近."就是这样 ...

驴忍不住发起怒来,用蹄子踢老虎。老虎因此而欣喜,心中盘算此事想着:“驴子的本领只不过如此罢了!”于是老虎跳跃起来,大声吼叫,咬断了驴的喉咙,吃光了它的肉,方才离开哎呀!外形庞大好像有德行,声音宏亮好像有能耐,假使不使出它的技能,老虎虽然凶猛,(但)多疑、畏惧,终究不敢猎取( 驴子) 。



1、夫:句首发语词,不用翻译。 2、之:结构助词,的。 3、行:品行,操守。 4、静:屏除杂念和干扰,宁静专一。 5、俭:节俭。 6、养:培养。 7、淡泊:内心恬淡,不慕名利。 8、明:明确。 9、明志:明确志向。 10、致:达到。 11、远:形容词活用为名词,远大志向。 12、广:形容词活用为动词,增长。 13、才...

入——入道门曰神:玄入大道门,是神不是人,人神合一神。 2、“七字诀”。所谓“七字诀”,就是从《道德经》每课的原文中首先抽出七个字,也构成这一课的总纲,然后分别用八个字对每一个字加以解释,再用三个八字句对这解释的八个字加以解释。例如《第20课?善者》:第20课 心善信翕气注人心——修心...
