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第1个回答  2009-07-16
Three locations on the large plaque Sungshan woodpecker rhythm brood observations, analysis of data from different perspectives, to draw large woodpecker in the seasonal pattern, time rhythm of brood; At the same time, build the nest and stand on the investigation, summing up a large plaque characteristics woodpecker nest building, in order to find a great spot and provide a theoretical basis woodpecker nest. According to the analysis, three sites Sungshan large brood spot woodpeckers nest-site selection of rhythm and a greater difference between spotted woodpecker is adaptive to different environments is all about.
第2个回答  2009-07-06
Three locations on the large plaque Sungshan woodpecker rhythm brood observations, analysis of data from different perspectives, to draw large woodpecker in the seasonal pattern, time rhythm of brood; At the same time, build the nest and stand on the investigation, summing up a large plaque characteristics woodpecker nest building, in order to find a great spot and provide a theoretical basis woodpecker nest. According to the analysis, three sites Sungshan large brood spot woodpeckers nest-site selection of rhythm and a greater difference between spotted woodpecker is adaptive to different environments is all about.
第3个回答  2009-07-14
Three locations on the large plaque Sungshan woodpecker rhythm brood observations, analysis of data from different perspectives, to draw large woodpecker in the seasonal pattern, time rhythm of brood; At the same time, build the nest and stand on the investigation, summing up a large plaque characteristics woodpecker nest building, in order to find a great spot and provide a theoretical basis woodpecker nest. According to the analysis, three sites Sungshan large brood spot woodpeckers nest-site selection of rhythm and a greater difference between spotted woodpecker is adaptive to different environments is all about.
第4个回答  2009-07-15
Three locations on the large plaque Sungshan woodpecker rhythm brood observations, analysis of data from different perspectives, to draw large woodpecker in the seasonal pattern, time rhythm of brood; At the same time, build the nest and stand on the investigation, summing up a large plaque characteristics woodpecker nest building, in order to find a great spot and provide a theoretical basis woodpecker nest. According to the analysis, three sites Sungshan large brood spot woodpeckers nest-site selection of rhythm and a greater difference between spotted woodpecker is adaptive to different environments is all about.
第5个回答  2009-07-06
Three locations on the large plaque Sungshan woodpecker rhythm brood observations, analysis of data from different perspectives, to draw large woodpecker in the seasonal pattern, time rhythm of brood; At the same time, build the nest and stand on the investigation, summing up a large plaque characteristics woodpecker nest building, in order to find a great spot and provide a theoretical basis woodpecker nest. According to the analysis, three sites Sungshan large brood spot woodpeckers nest-site selection of rhythm and a greater difference between spotted woodpecker is adaptive to different environments is all about.本回答被网友采纳

1.在我的世界,你很重要.In my world, you are very important.2.别让我太难过 Don't make me too sad.3.记得别想他 Don't think of him.4.故事没有然后 In the story, there's no "thereafter."5.我们的未来会不会很渺茫,以致没有一点点的的希望 Will our future be too unclear,...

1.网上冲浪:surf the internet 2.在我的空闲时间:in my free time 3.黑便士:black penny 4.冰箱:fridge 5.盐:salt 6.打羽毛球:play badminton 英汉互译:1.what a mess:真乱 2.come over:过来 3.collect stamps:集邮 4.hold on:坚持住 ...

PS:是否drain应该为brain?如果那样 则翻译为, 你是个脑残 我们鄙视你

事实胜于雄辩。Action speaks louder than words.患难朋友才是真朋友。A friend in need is a friend indeed.心胸开朗,使人长寿。A light heart lives long.条条大路通罗马。All roads lead to Rome.滚石不生苔。A rolling stone gathers no moss.小洞不补,大洞吃苦。A stitch in time saves ...

是选择了这里。nothing else can be happier than can be adequately fed!although this field of rice is very far from home,for a delicious lunch,he still chooses here.但有一天,这片稻田着大火了!小鸟还没反 应过来就被大火给熏倒了,当它醒过来了时 候,惊讶地发现稻田被烧成了一大片...

(可以译成有其父必有其子)Like father, like son.11.美中不足 a flaw in an otherwise perfect thing 13.心花怒放 brimming with joy 14.走过路过 Don't miss such a good opportunity.16.要钱没有,要命一条 I have nothing but a life to spare only!17.我叫李老大,今年25 I am ...

On the contrary,(恰恰相反)I hated compulsory education with a passion.(我相当愤恨义务教育)I could never quite accept the notion of having to go to school(我从未百分百赞同必须上学的思想) while the fish were biting.(哪怕是有鱼上钩,我有所收获之时)全段翻译:我已经几近绝望的尝试着...

千言万语 with so much to say 例如:I've got so much to say that I don't know how to begin.千言万语不知从何说起。五十步笑百步 one who retreats fifty paces mocks one who retreats a hundred 或者用一句对应的英文谚语 the pot calls the kettle black ...

1. Mrs complains about Smith to me saying , the daughter that she often discovers with self sixteen-year-old has no way to communicate with simply.2. 我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified)英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。2. I firmly believe that reading the English novel ...

He spent two weeks in completing the investigation all by himself.3 除非他自己意识到这一危险,否则没有人能够阻止他干这事 Unless he realizes it is dangerous to do that,nobody else can prevent him.4 如果你想取得好成绩,就不能过分依赖别人的帮助 If you want to get good results,...
