

第1个回答  2013-12-03
HuJiHua is a very precious arethusa varieties, including ZhuoJin. WanDaiLan is Singapore's national flower. ZhuoJin · generation is created by ZhuoJin by ms, generation of fujian, Abram Orchid (fujian) a word and orchids. It has the following characteristics: the beautiful and dignified, super looks beautiful, and reveals the humble, symbolizing the Singapore people's temperament. It has a xiaomei lip piece and five honor, lip piece into four, Singapore and four Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil are four languages of equality. Among the flowers, male and female, hubei column (symbol the root of happiness. By the relative flower under the arch hand, reflexed symbol, sharing and harmonious. Spend a DaiXing lip piece rear, with sweet sticky wealth, the convergence of the premises. Gather The love of pollen cover opened, there are two flower piece, like two "golden eye", a symbol of foresight. It stems, symbol of climbing upward, prosperous developed upward. It is a flower, flower and xie, Singapore's national symbol, has a long history, and has the lifeblood of boundless confidence and hope. Singaporeans love orchid, prefer ZhuoJin · generation, because in the most severe conditions, also can TuYan fang, a symbol for the hard work, brave national spirit. 我用软件翻的。。。
第2个回答  2013-12-03
有谁可以帮我翻译下面这段话成英文~不要中文英语 100

标签: 翻译 英语, 翻译, 英文

胡姬花是一种十分珍贵的兰花品种,其中的卓锦.万黛兰是新加坡的国花。卓锦·万代兰是由卓锦女士培植而成,万代兰由福建闽南话音译Orchid(兰花)一词而来。它具有下列优美的特征:容貌清丽而端庄、超群,又流露出谦和,象征着新加坡人民的气质。 它有一个姣美的唇片和五个尊片,唇片四绽,象征新加坡四大民族和马来语、英语、华语和泰米尔语四种语言的平等。 花朵中间的鄂柱,雌雄合体,象征幸福的根源。 花由下面相对的裂片拱扶着,象征着和谐,同甘苦、共荣辱。 花的唇片后方有一个袋形角,内有甜蜜汁,象征财富汇流聚集的处所。 把恋柱上的花粉盖揭开,里面有两个花块,像两只“金眼”,象征着高瞻远瞩。 它的茎向上攀援,象征向上发达、兴旺。它的花一朵谢落,一朵又开,象征新加坡国家民族的命脉,源远流长,具有无穷的信心和希望。 新加坡人喜爱兰花,更偏爱卓锦·万代兰,还因为在最恶劣的条件下,也能争芳吐艳,象征着民族的刻苦耐劳,勇敢奋斗精神。
第3个回答  2013-12-03
Abstract: This paper describes the principles of solid-state relay, structure, characteristics and the exchange of direct current scope of application of solid-state relays and solid-state relay for exchange made in accordance with several of its key parameters to select a reasonable method of solid-state relay, the application circuit in the design of a number of issues requiring attention, as well as the corresponding connections of the computer interface circuit.本回答被网友采纳