Note that neither of these provisions refers to unlawful conduct in particular :on the contrary, they appear to cover primarily cases where, under the rules in force the requisitions were perfectly in order. Another point of interest is that the Articles clearly envisage the direct (and speedy) settlement of individual claims, by the armed forces: they represent, in effect, an early attempt to curb the tendency of land armies to “live off the land ”without payment.
惊雷就象从脚底下打过来,一道道闪电,就象要把天劈开一样。亿万道电光在云端疾走,交锋,搏斗,激起一片震天动地的雷声,仿佛要把这座山城炸开。一场暴雨随时等候着雷公的派遣。 在一瞬间,雨犹如瓢泼一样从天而降,雨由小到大,整个山城在暴雨的密网里挣扎地摇摆着,好象要不几年的污垢洗掉的。在汇成的水流的大路...
直译:Whatever people do, god is watching them.正在看,不用seeing,用 watching.其实这句话,在英文里也有类似的句子。那就是:Crime does not pay.意思是无论你做过什么坏事,终有一天会得到报应的。
英语翻译强人来! 帮忙翻译稿子
Because I believe it is May Day that makes me a girl\/ boy who is brave and spirited to pursue (追随)a dream. 翻译是要能接近原文就接近原文,不过如果逐字翻译会让English变成Chin-glish, 所以我译成了:因为我相信,是五月天让我成为了一个敢于一鼓作气追寻梦想的女/男孩。这里面包含...
Perhaps, all these are not only coincidences but also consequences. Both spirits and shortcomings of human beings live forever, and all these are what we lookers-on guess and piece together artificially.注:“lookers-on”为复合词,是由短语动词“look on”得来的,应该很地道的。
你真是强人啊! 一般在夸奖某人很强,很NB的时候是这样说的:You are really something!
感情这事是可遇而不可求的。一段美好的感情是多么值得人们去珍惜啊。译后有感。一)有的时候, Sometimes,经过一段时间, after a while,我逐渐平静下来了, I calm down gradually,我发现我的第一次情感是很浪漫的.and find that my first passion is very romantic.就象充电电池一样,Like a ...
successively in Afghanistan and Iraq launched the war and the overthrow of the Taliban and Saddam regime and allegedly wanted for terrorism in the end of terrorism and to provide asylum countries to resolutely combat. U.S. strategic policy change has not only exacerbated the turmoil in...
认真地发好每一个音调,屏住呼吸读出,Seriously and is ready for every one tone, hold your breath read out,一个念头升起又落下,道出刻骨铭心的覆水难收。An idea rises again fell, tells unforgettable turning back.如果你喜欢了一位偶像,请一定为了他更好地学会生活。If you like the one...