
PS: 这是我们学校英语歌唱比赛的结束语,我们班有个女生是主持人,让我帮忙翻译,虽然我是英语课代表,但毕竟能力有限,要靠大家帮忙哦!文采尽量好点,意思大概差不多就OK,不必死翻译。另外,某虽不才,用翻译软件或是在线翻译的我还是看得出的,想投机取巧的就算了。截止至2010年6月1日晚23:59,有时效性的啊~望大家帮忙!至少高中水平或者更高。再提醒大家要有文采~


We wander in the palace of music. We ramble through the gallery of songs. Although no impassioned musical master is here, nor the melodic voice from superstar singers, we are deeply indulged in the interaction between the music and our souls. We are miraculously enchanted by the outburst of sincere feelings.

Everyone of you is a talented musician. You freeze the most beautiful moments in our hearts with your singing. Ranking results are nothing important when we think of what beautiful memories this special experience leaves to us. Where there is hard work, there must be a success well deserved. Let us give our applause to the bravery of all the singers, and for their performances. We give our heartfelt thanks for bringing us this music feast! Today you are the winners for this conpetition, and tomorrow, you will be the winners for your life!

第1个回答  2010-06-01
Ambling down the palace of music, strolling through the corridor of songs, although there are not the passionate rousing of musical masters here, nor the tender melodies of superstar performers, we are nonetheless captivated, enchanted by the meeting of music and our souls, the eruption of sincerest of feelings.

Everyone is a talented musician, capturing for us the most beautiful moments with their voice. No matter the end results, this special experience could become the most cherished memories of their lives. Having put in their hard work and sweat, the fruit of their labor is unqualified success at the end. Let us cheer for the bravery of our contestants, applaud their performances, thank them from the bottom of our hearts for bringing us this festival of music! They are winners here, but in life, they will be winners forever.
第2个回答  2010-06-01
The music hall, wandering in the corridor, wandering in the song music masters here is not famous, singing impassioned the rising, but we still mesmerizing, music and revel in the heart of the collision, the true feelings erupted.
Everyone is a talented musician, with their voice will be the most perfect moments in our hearts. Whatever the outcome, I believe this special experience will become their life the happiest memories. Pay the sweat, harvest is successful. Let's cheer for players for their courage, performance, they clapped for our heartfelt thanks to the music. Here, they will be the winner, and in life, they will always be the winner!
第3个回答  2010-06-01
第4个回答  2010-06-02
We wander about in the palace full of music, and walk along the long corridor lingering songs. Here, neither the hearts beating proudly of musicians, nor the wandering song floating out and upward to the moon of famous singers, we enjoy ourselves to the top of our bent from the meeting of our soul and music, from the show of truehearted emotions. Same as a talented musician, everyone has settled a space at our hearts with his or her wonderful voice. No matter as a result how, I believe this special career has become the happiest memories in their life. They have gotten success with their untiring striving. Boys and girls, every guest, let’s give another round of warm applause to players’ show, and loudly cheer for their courage. Wholeheartedly thanks for them bringing us a grand music meeting. They’re not only the victor here but also the one in their whole life forever.