溺水是由于大量的水灌入肺内,或冷水刺激引起喉痉挛,造成窒息或缺氧,若抢救不及时,4-6分钟内即可死亡。必须争分夺秒地进行现场急救,切不可急于送医院而失去宝贵的抢救时机。 一.当将溺水者救至岸上后,应迅速检查溺水者身体情况。由于溺水者多有严重的呼吸道阻塞,要立即清除口鼻内淤泥杂草、呕吐物,然后再控水处理。
三、对呼吸已停止的溺水者,应立即进行人工呼吸。 方法是:将溺水者仰卧位放置,抢救者一手捏住溺水者的鼻孔,一手掰开溺水者的嘴,深吸一口气,迅速口对口吹气,反复进行,直到恢复呼吸。人工呼吸频率每分钟16-20次。
四、如呼吸心跳均已停止,应立即进行人工呼吸和胸外心脏按压。 急救者将手掌根部置于胸骨中段进行心脏按压,下压要慢,放松时要快,每分钟80-100次,与人工呼吸互相协调操作,与人工呼吸操作之比为5:1,如一人施行,则心脏按压与人工呼吸之比是15:2。 溺水者经现场急救处理,在呼吸心跳恢复后,立即送往附近医院。 在送医院途中,仍需不停地对溺水者作人工呼吸和心脏按压,以便于医生抢救。
causing asphyxia or hypoxia, if not rescued in time, 4-6 minutes and can be killed. Must race against time to carry out on-site first aid, must not rush to the hospital to rescue lost valuable time. 1. When you save the drowning man to shore, ...
if you feel sad, my heart will always feel the pain.
to overcome the negative side, you will be successful.
I desperately hope to tell you that ,I love you so.However,you can not hear anymore```I am really regretful,You are the apple in my eye,Still be shy to tell that,once again,I love you.You have gone```but your trace and love are still,untill the flowers blow in the ...
你好,让我来吧,我是高中的英语老师 译文如下 :Abstract:Domestic violence occurs in the violence between family members. Growing domestic violence against the victim's physical and mental health, violated the legal rights of victims, the destruction of social stability and development, has...
Central Committee of the Party 今天刚看了十一届三中全会的翻译,是: the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee 所以又改了一下,不过还不是很满意。把“十届五次全委会”给我讲一下,如果可以,我再改。是人大常委会会议吧?参考资料:中/高级口译考试词汇必备 ...
1 May I have a ticket to Chengdu?What time is for the next train? I need a round trip ,and I want the return time would be 4 p.m.How much is it?2.请问怎样退税 2.Would you mind telling me how can I get my tax return?3.我没有见到接我的人,我可能需要坐火车去那里...
by in silence 木马依旧旋转,Our merry-go-round remains rotating 故事还在继续。While our story is gonna resume 孩童们的歌谣,The kids' ballads 洒落一地烟雨。have dropped down, along with the misty rain 我喜欢你 my love for you 是我独家的记忆。should be my exclusive memory....
Dad, please send me a little bit more money, as I have slightly over spent for having a bit too much fun during the two-day holiday.
Hi! I am Chinese. My English is limited. I don't know what you are saying. Please just do it.