求一篇大学英语作文 谢谢大家!


  I know that a lot of people are debating about whether or not college is the right move,and I do believe that college genuinely isn't for everyone. University culture can put pressure on students to have a very conventional career path. It doesn't always help you get a job in the current economy. It's also an environment where a lot of stereotypes are put on you because you study one thing over another. So while my college experience definitely wasn't perfect, I wouldn't be who I am today without it. And I like who I am right now, here are the reasons I'm glad I went to a university.
  1. I met a lot more people who were like me.
  1. 我遇到了很多与我相似的人
  I was a definite weirdo in my school — always reading, listening to Broadway songs, hardly ever dressing as trendy as the rich girls. In an attempt to fit in, I hid my innerdorkiness. But then I got to college and found a lot of people who were like me. They read all the time, played Apples to Apples in peoples' basements instead of going out drinking, and watched shows like Doctor Who and Frasier. In terms of growing into an adult, it was a very good thing to have happen!
  2. I met a lot of people who weren't like me.
  2. 我遇到了很多和我不同的人
  Just as beneficial as it was to find a clan I could belong to, it was just as beneficial for me to interact with people who were very different. I met people who had lived in other countries, had been born in other countries, and had way different upbringings than I could ever imagine. We would end up learning a lot from one another. Without going to college (and without meeting these new people!), I would no doubt be a much less well-rounded person.

