

Nationality, a term encapsulating the legal connection between an individual and a specific nation, is defined by origin, birth, or acquired status. At its core, nationality signifies a person's inherent or acquired right to be considered a citizen or national of a particular country, defining their legal identity and rights within that nation.

When it comes to practical applications, nationality is often represented by a nationality mark on a ship, reflecting its ownership or registry. The concept of nationality principle, or '属人原则,' is fundamental in law, determining a person's legal rights and obligations based on their connection to a country. Dual nationality, where a person holds citizenship in two countries simultaneously, is a nuanced aspect that can sometimes complicate matters of allegiance and rights.

Understanding nationality is crucial in legal contexts, as seen in the example of Einstein's naturalization to the United States in 1940, and in cases where pirates would target vessels based on their cargo, nationality, and route. Conversely, the term 'native' can denote someone without a designated nationality, acting as an international entity in certain situations.

In essence, nationality is a legal cornerstone that governs a person's relationship with their country, shaping their rights, obligations, and the boundaries of their identity within the global community.

Nationality, a term encapsulating the legal connection between an individual and a specific nation, is defined by origin, birth, or acquired status. At its core, nationality signifies a person's inherent or acquired right to be considered a citizen or national of a particular country,...

1. 如果你在填写国籍一栏,应该写作“Chinese”,而不是“China”。2. “Nationality”一词指的是个人的国籍,意味着你出生在某个国家或拥有成为该国家公民的法律权利。3. 在中国护照上,“Nationality”一栏对应的是“Chinese”。4. 因此,正确的填写方式是使用“Chinese”来表示个人的中国国籍。


1993年版的《简明牛津英语词典》的解释是:国族为一个广义的人的聚集体,通过共同的血缘、语言或历史被紧密地联系在一起,以致形成了由某个人民组成的独特的种族,通常被组织为独立的主权国家且占据一定的领土。 汉语“民族(Peoples、Nationality)”一词是近代从日语中引进的,是指具有经济、语言、文化...

民族与国籍在英语中的差异:民族概念的多维度解读 在英语中,"nation"这个词承载着丰富的政治与文化内涵,而在中文中,"民族"一词则经过了西学与传统的融合,形成独特的概念。"Nation"在欧洲,既是政治实体,也是文化认同的象征,与中文的"民族"概念有所不同。在日本,nation的理解经历了从政治到文化的...

在外语中如英语或法语,国家一词有多种解释,例如地理层面,政治层面,民族层面,这三种层面各有代表国家的单词。The state is composed of three elements: the territory, the people (nationality, the residents) and the government. The state is also a political geography term. Broadly speaking...

国家英语翻译为:country。关于这一翻译,以下为您 国家,这一词汇在英文中的对应表达就是“country”。这个词是一个普遍用来表示一个国家、地区或者地域的术语。在国际交流、学术研究和旅行中,“country”一词经常用于表示一个国家的概念,包括其政治、文化、地理等各个方面的特征。在不同的语境中,“...

许渊冲说:“能出一本是一本,不敢吹牛。能活到100岁,就把莎士比亚翻完。” 许渊冲有自己的工作节奏,但每日的翻译工作,就像在偷时间一样。他每日九点或十点起床,开始进行翻译,或是看书、会客,下午将翻译成果录入电脑,晚上十点时停止敲键盘,又继续翻译到凌晨四五点才入睡,第二天如此循环往复,练就最文艺的熬夜法...

nationality n. 国籍;民族 native adj. 出生地的;本土的 n. 土生土长者,本地人,本国人 none pron. 没有一个,无一 adv.一点也不 nonsense n.胡说;废话 noon n. 中午,正午 nor conj. 也不,也没有 normal adj. 正常的;平常的;规范的 notebook n.笔记薄;笔记本 nothing pron. & n. 没有东西,没...

中央民族大学英文名称为何为“Minzu University of China”?其原因与民族概念的引入和中国特殊民族政策紧密相关。民族一词在民国时期直接从日文引入,日文中“民族”一词与英语Nationality在含义上有所不同,英语中的Nationality多指国籍,适用于民族国家体制下,一个国家只存在一个民族,或是政治上不承认民族...
