a boy tells the story of how he discovers that his big brother's new purple trainers are dangerous and have a life of their own 这是最简单的中文 额 8 9黑夜挣扎:tess是dr gooch家的新女仆,他发现will是一个可怜的男孩,他爸爸竟然要把它卖给fry,tess与harriet想要从fry救出will,然而...
典范英语7 《危险的运动鞋》读后感 要英语的 50 财富
I think this story is not very true.Because there won't be living trainers.And trainers can't eat animals and toes.In fact I think there is nothing can make you afraid.Men feel afraid just because they always scare themselves.So everybody,be strong.use your eyes to look for...
典范英语7(12-16)的读后感 急!!!
典范英语7-8《危险的运动鞋》梗概英文梗概最好英语梗概,200-300字左 ...
My brother bought a pair of new sports shoes. He wore it every day and made a sound like a tractor. At last I found it ran. I told him, he didn't believe it, and finally it ran.
就是说故事主角打算监视运动鞋。到了晚上他很困后来有一句zzzzzzzzzz然后直接跳到运动鞋开始行动了,故事主角跟着它们下楼来到花园里面。这时有一只飞蛾飞了过来,故事主角看到一只运动鞋的鞋带一弹,把飞蛾卷到鞋子里面吃了。后来就是描写运动鞋怎么捕食了一只甲虫、一条蚯蚓的。后来有只小老鼠(baby mouse)爬了出来,故...
a boy tells the story of how he discovers that his big brother's new purple trainers are dangerous and have a life of their own
Nessie was famous for being spotted.She liked to scare people.But Flossie felt lonely.He wanted to find a real friend,who could see the real him and could like him.One day, he saw a little girl.Some boys bullied her.They threw her glasses into water.The girl waded in the ...
8、 《The Masked Cleaning Ladies Save the Day 蒙面清洁女工反败为胜 》9、《The Masked Cleaning Ladies Meet the Pirates 蒙面清洁女工面对海盗 》10、《Jellyfish Shoes 水母鞋 》11、《The Boss Dog of Blossom Street 花朵街的狗老大 》12、《Cornflake Corn 玉米片硬币 》13、《The Ghost ...