There is an old man in New York.He doesn't like children at all.But helikes cats very much.He has black cats.He has mother cats and baby cats.So children like to come to his house.They come to play with the cats.More and more cats come to the old man's house.Soon there are too many cats.the old man can't give them much food.So he has an idea."the children love my cats,"he thinks.So he gives each child a cat.Then he is happy.The children are happy,so the cats are happy,too.Because they each have a home.
当铁路开始烘干对steamboat 飞行员的需求并且内战制止了商务, 马克吐温左河国家。他设法soldiering 为二堆杂草与努力地避免联络以敌人同盟游击队员的一条杂色的带。吐温放弃了在决定以后, "... 我比发明撤退的人知道更多关于撤退。"
这样一位平凡的清洁工,却深深地影响了我!望着她背影,我突然觉得很美,很美··· 本回答被提问者采纳
哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下 ,拜托了!
原句before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood中 one early morning 的意思是 某个清晨 就是说 是之前发生的事情了 而不是写信中的今天 这一点RoyLee翻译错了 容易引起误解 所以我特意注释 希望楼主明白 另外RoyLee遗漏了几点: ...
Jukeona elephants fight, the thing full of feet 谢谢,拜托采纳
求一段话汉译英~拜托了 急求!!
Pick to Music entered the film after, become a comprehensive art movie this organic part, is a kind of music genre. It in outstanding film feelings, strengthen the dramatic, rendering picture movie plays an atmosphere of the special role. But on the other hand, after the movie, ...
is give lisener a big imagination,which you can ignore about the form limit,flying in your won imagination.When we under life pressure become dysphoria,why not clam down and listen some New Age music,enjoy the peace and pure world which only belongs to you.人工翻译。。。
中译英 不可以用在线翻译敷衍我哦~~~拜托咯
teacher summarized him as some sort of idiot, bacme one of the most prolific inventors the world has ever witnessed so far. But he still denied that he ever mastered maths well even in his twilight years.楼上那个有点中式英语。 如还有翻译问题可直接找爱译舍英语翻译中心。
which had opens a new era in the history of China. From then on, China put an end to its history of humiliation, which was as long as 100 years. And China had become an independent nation truly; Chinese people stood up from then on and became the master of the country.壮...
天生妙手也看过,有关异能的也行,不喜欢看那种纯爱的,比如唯爱、野猪大作战、零秒出手、求婚大作战之类的···拜托了···恩,我只是懒得打字。我看过的有花样男子韩版、诈欺游戏、白夜行、、我的帅管家、我家男子、BOSS、贫穷贵公子、有闲俱乐部、、傻大姐、RH阳性、绝对男友、人生补时、绿林寮 、爱的宽恕、Gho...