When I was part of the architects of this responsibility business movement, that was so different; that was an alternative to the international chamber of commerce, it was a traders alliance, it had progressive thinkers, progressive academics, it had, you know, people who were philanthropists. It worked alongside start-up businesses that were really creative like the Body Shop, like Ben and Jerry’s. It had a social purpose. Now a lot of the thinking came out of the 60s, came out of the anti-war movement, and came out from the grassroots movement. So much of our thinking was influenced by the Scandinavian business practices. And so much of my thinking came out because I was learning about the Quakers, who were extraordinarily good at running a business, of never lying, never cheating. You know, put more money back into their enterprises than what they took out and had a social purpose so that the beginning, the architect for that thinking was really simple: “how do you make business kinder?”, “how do you embed it in the community?”, “how do you make community a social purpose for business?”
Things happened. I don’t think we in that movement—we took our eyes off the ball, we were getting to be so in love with each others voice and each others networking, that we didn’t see what was going on; we didn’t see the whole growth of corporate globalization; we didn’t see the immense power of businesses playing, especially in the political arena. We didn’t look at the language, the economic language which was about control, which was about everything had to be for the market economy. We were just flowering around on our own thinking and so we took our eyes off the ball and when we put it on the ball again we thought, “you know, its been hijacked, this social responsibility in business” and it became corporate social responsibility. And it was a huge money-earner, for these big management companies, like KPMG, like Arthur Anderson, like PriceWaterHouseCooper, all of those. They were making shed loads of money by actually doing a system of analysis about how you measure you behavior. But it was no good; it was like this obsession for measurement. It wasn’t showing you how you can put these ideas into practice and they never told you it meant a truth—truth that nobody wants to discuss, that if it gets in the way of profit, business aren’t going to do anything about it. So we still have rapacious businesses, you still have businesses in bed with government; you still have businesses that can legitimately kill, can legitimately have boardroom murder, and can legitimately have a slave labor economy, so that all of us in the West— primarily in the West, or all of us who are wealthy— are guaranteed a standard of living to which we are used to.
高分悬赏歌词翻译 在线等 机译的爬
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the final amplification by filtering out fired by the antenna. Signal generator hardware realization of the program include: single-chip control circuit, circuit carrier, pseudo-code Generation Circuit, BPSK modulation circuit, filter circuit, amplifier circuit. One single-chip chip ATMEL Co...
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reduce force time to dart shot out with the greatest speed.Javelin throw techniques include the complete gun, including grip, the run, the final push as hard, dart flights and buffer five parts. Run-up also includes the pre-run section and throwing further paragraphs in two parts...