奔驰英文广告语在电视上播过,带有best or nothing等字符

在电视上播过,好像有“the best or nothing”,具体记不清,还有就是这段广告词出现在广告片结尾,是一个外国男音说的,广告词在奔驰标志的下面,求大神告诉我广告词,必重谢!

Mr. Daimler, Mr. Daimler. You are working too much.
Maybe, but I've made a promise.
The promise to build the world's frist automobile, and to never stop bring inventing it.
The promise to capture the heards of the people, when motor score victories around the world.
And fascinate them were shapes, they all never forget.
The promise to never stop inventing and to never stop saving lives.
And to be a pioneer of excellence in move ability, now and forever more.
A promise of :the best or nothing.