

Blue Planet
We all have a common home. She provides us with enough food, enough water and enough living room. We get everything from the nature to live better, but we donnot do anything to protect her. How the air is polluted; the earth is poisoned; water is unsafe to drink and rubbish is burying the civilization that man owns.
Our environment is being polluted faster than nature and man's present efforts can prevent. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more industry. So many trees will be cut down, and more large cities will be set up. Lots of waste material, in return, is produced and harms the environment. So some experts declare that the balance of nature is being upset, so that the very survival of man is in danger.
How can we solve this problem? The answer is that we must control the speed of growing people, forbid everyone to cut down trees and pour waste water into rivers and so on.
If we achieve this, the environment will turn very clean, and our future will be full of happiness.
第1个回答  2010-11-18
Good morning teachers and fellow students. Today we would like to introduce a few favorite books to you. My favorite book is <Heart> (Italian: Cuore). This is a diary written by an Italian boy Enrico. The diary is about his life and study. It included various touching stories that happened around Enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten monthly stories told by his teacher during the class. Every word in the chapter describes the word love. From patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching. This novel tau……
第2个回答  2010-11-15

英语青春励志演讲稿1 Are you looking for a great opportunity? Well,you can stop searchingbecause it is here。 The greatest opportunity that anyone could possibly hope for can be yours。You don’t have to make a cash investment。 You don’t even have to fill out anapplication form。 This i...

一分钟励志英语演讲稿带翻译 简短的英语励志小短文精选
你喜欢运动吗?我非常喜欢它!有时候,我喜欢和我的朋友们做一些运动。你应该做更多的运动,因为它对你的身体是很好的!在你的空闲时间,如何运行?我总是这样做!你为什么不与你的朋友玩篮球吗?这是非常有趣的!我是这么认为的。你为什么不玩一些游戏,它可以放松你的! 你想做一些运动和我玩游戏吗?欢迎你! 这一切。

一分钟励志英语演讲稿带翻译 英语口语演讲小短文精选

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