Since the 90s of the 20th century, along with the information technology revolution and the rapid development of economic globalization, the world set off to multinational corporations as the leading wave of global mergers and acquisitions. With mergers and acquisitions worldwide in full swing, mergers and acquisitions have become the fast-growing enterprises, expand enterprise scale and improve competitive advantage as a major way, in China, mergers and acquisitions not only become an important means of optimizing the allocation of resources, but also a state-owned enterprise reform, economic restructuring and structural adjustment of the selected one of the ways. In recent years, China's M & A theory and practice of an emerging market, from the M & A practice and the personnel involved in more and more relevant theoretical publications and research results often found in newspapers. However confused the theory and practice in mergers and acquisitions, M & A expertise to the issue of financial risk in the system, the results of research limited.
In theory and practice of M & A strategy and tactics at the same time, while neglecting the M & A financial risk prevention and control, making the phenomenon of M & A failure is also very common. Experts estimate that China's M & A success rate of less than 10%, the Shanghai survey also showed that 90% of mergers failing to achieve the original goal fails, the reason is mainly the financial risk of M & A and post merger financial integration of lack of sufficient attention, so that enterprises in financial crisis, which led to the failure of mergers and acquisitions.
This collection of large amounts of data and reference in the literature, based on the use of standard research methods. Using economic mathematical methods of the financial risk of M & A conducted a quantitative study, the first questions on the merger and related concepts are explained, followed by domestic and foreign research results are summarized, and then analysis of the financial risk and M & A the need for control, again from the theoretical valuation of risk arising from mergers and acquisitions, financing risk, liquidity risk, payment risk, potential risk and integration risk analysis of the causes, respectively, then the causes of these risks and to control the potential harm analysis, and finally with concrete examples from practice on a detailed analysis of these cases appear in the performance of a variety of financial risks and causes, and on this basis of presentation of financial risk prevention measures on China M & A practice has practical significance.
1、这个句子可以看作是主系表结构,语法找不到错误。但是从born的用法上来看就不对了。born 这个词没有被动语态,用的话只能是被动形式表达主动的意思。he was born in a villiage.意思是他出生于一个小山村,而不能翻译成“他被出生...”2、你要说生了个漂亮女儿的话,应该用give birth to 这...
drinked,错- drink,drank,drunk 基本上还通顺,用词上可以慢慢进步 小心时态,
am able to 改为can be able to 表示有..能力 而can 单纯地表示可以 能 doday--today 这是写错了吧 that -- so 如此地 那么地 都用so and I am angry..the gossip-- a gossiping told me to 还有记得大小写要分明噢 全小写其实看着挺别扭的 ...
“All of us had fun in Macau today”~~~这句话读起来实在是别扭 这样说应该比较好:What a wonderful day in Macau!~虽然这样说感觉稍微有点不适合前文的风格。。。有点做作。。。
have+done。这句子可以这样翻译,不需要主语,第一句子用现在时表示你一直在管理这些社团,第二句子用完成时表示你到目前为止所达到的成就,两个句子都是动词开头,顺一些,不要一个形容词、一个动词开头:Develop and manage the five associations, and have organized more than 20 community events....
这样子写的话,条理就很清楚了。雅思打分是结构、语句、用词都要看的。结构清楚了,就算语言用词不是很精准,分数也会高点。目前的样子,结构不明确、论点不清晰、用词不够准确。但是句子比较长(即非大量短句) 可理解,现在能够得5分到5.5分。如果结构清楚了,虽然语句不是很准确,也能拔到6分的...
被Wugui选择是非常偶尔机会由于一龙战士的.从就是这开头,当然,没有人相信他能是甚至包含他自己龙战士.Shifu认为并非有资格是龙战士因为他是非常肥和懒惰和疯狂仅对于食物,大猫熊是 .虽然波河是也仅有a非常在Kongfu新手但是他不容易说放弃,他努力尝试难以证明他承认力量为反对他在这个中人 looked…and...
第十节 常见的语法错误一 句法成分搭配不当 所谓句法成分搭配不当,是指句子中密切相关的句法成分,如主语和谓语、述语和宾语、定语和中心语、状语和中心语等,在组织句子时,由于没有注意照顾它们之间的配合,结果造成了搭配不当的毛病。(一) 主语和谓语搭配不当主谓搭配不当是常见的毛病。请看下面的例子: (1)*修...