

1. Mankind has entered the 21st century, science and technology, economic knowledge and information industry has seen an initial clue, especially in information technology and network technology very rapidly and the development and wide application of social politics, economy, military, cultural and other fields have more To the more profound. Student performance management system is a unit of education an essential part of it for the content of school administrators and policy makers is crucial.
Performance management of the school is an important task, the original artificial management with a lot less than this, resulting in inadequate because of the large number of students, and each student's information was too complicated, so the workload is very large, the Census and Statistics For inquiries, and has brought inconvenience. As a result, how to resolve these deficiencies, so that the performance management faster, more convenient and more efficient has become a key issue.
With the rapid development of science and technology school management automation increasingly urgent, there is a need to develop school performance software system to support the classroom teaching management. The present system is a curriculum and student performance management system, it is the Educational Management System in a sub-system. The main users are students, teachers and administrators. System to facilitate the selection of students and check points. The convenience of teachers and pupils of entry. More importantly, the school system to facilitate the management of the Senate.
2. Mankind has entered the 21st century, science and technology, economic knowledge and information industry has seen an initial clue, especially in information technology and network technology very rapidly and the development and wide application of social politics, economy, military, cultural and other fields have more To the more profound effects are also changing the way people work, study and life, the way the exchange.'s Access to information, treatment, communication and application capabilities, it has become one of the most important ability.
Knowledge-based economy in the near future world economic development will account for the dominant position of the country's overall national strength and international competitiveness increasingly depends on the development of education, science and technology innovation and knowledge level of education in economic and social development process has shown more To highlight the more important role. Student performance management system is a unit of education an essential part of it for the content of school administrators and policy makers is crucial, the performance management system so students should be able to provide adequate Information and efficient means of inquiry. But it has been using the traditional manual management of the academic performance of their students fill in a variety of forms, such a management style there are many shortcomings, such as: low efficiency, poor privacy, and used his for a long time and have a large number of Documents and data, which is to find, update and maintain all bring a lot of difficulties.
With China's accession to the WTO, our country means to the same network platform to participate in international competition, with the world. This is not only an opportunity for us, but also a challenge. So we need to strengthen education for all information technology to improve our country The overall quality. Science and technology development and the advancement of computer science and technology is reaching maturity and its powerful people have a deep understanding that it has entered the human society in various fields and is playing an increasingly important role.
As part of the computer application, the use of computers for student performance management system for information management, management manual has unmatched advantages, such as: quick search, looking for convenient, high reliability and large capacity storage, security and good, long life, cost Low. These advantages can greatly improve student performance management system, the efficiency of the education unit is more scientific and standardized management, integration with the world's important, therefore, to develop a set of performance management software has become such a necessary thing.
第1个回答  2012-04-21
1. Mankind has entered the 21st century, science and technology, economic knowledge and information industry has seen an initial clue, especially in information technology and network technology very rapidly and the development and wide application of social politics, economy, military, cultural and other fields have more To the more profound. Student performance management system is a unit of education an essential part of it for the content of school administrators and policy makers is crucial.
Performance management of the school is an important task, the original artificial management with a lot less than this, resulting in inadequate because of the large number of students, and each student's information was too complicated, so the workload is very large, the Census and Statistics For inquiries, and has brought inconvenience. As a result, how to resolve these deficiencies, so that the performance management faster, more convenient and more efficient has become a key issue.
With the rapid development of science and technology school management automation increasingly urgent, there is a need to develop school performance software system to support the classroom teaching management. The present system is a curriculum and student performance management system, it is the Educational Management System in a sub-system. The main users are students, teachers and administrators. System to facilitate the selection of students and check points. The convenience of teachers and pupils of entry. More importantly, the school system to facilitate the management of the Senate.
2. Mankind has entered the 21st century, science and technology, economic knowledge and information industry has seen an initial clue, especially in information technology and network technology very rapidly and the development and wide application of social politics, economy, military, cultural and other fields have more To the more profound effects are also changing the way people work, study and life, the way the exchange.'s Access to information, treatment, communication and application capabilities, it has become one of the most important ability.
Knowledge-based economy in the near future world economic development will account for the dominant position of the country's overall national strength and international competitiveness increasingly depends on the development of education, science and technology innovation and knowledge level of education in economic and social development process has shown more To highlight the more important role. Student performance management system is a unit of education an essential part of it for the content of school administrators and policy makers is crucial, the performance management system so students should be able to provide adequate Information and efficient means of inquiry. But it has been using the traditional manual management of the academic performance of their students fill in a variety of forms, such a management style there are many shortcomings, such as: low efficiency, poor privacy, and used his for a long time and have a large number of Documents and data, which is to find, update and maintain all bring a lot of difficulties.
With China's accession to the WTO, our country means to the same network platform to participate in international competition, with the world. This is not only an opportunity for us, but also a challenge. So we need to strengthen education for all information technology to improve our country The overall quality. Science and technology development and the advancement of computer science and technology is reaching maturity and its powerful people have a deep understanding that it has entered the human society in various fields and is playing an increasingly important role.
As part of the computer application, the use of computers for student performance management system for information management, management manual has unmatched advantages, such as: quick search, looking for convenient, high reliability and large capacity storage, security and good, long life, cost Low. These advantages can greatly improve student performance management system, the efficiency of the education unit is more scientific and standardized management, integration with the world's important, therefore, to develop a set of performance management software has become such a necessary thing.
第2个回答  2008-12-11
序 量子理论:普朗克的丰碑 《梦的解析》:一本惊世骇俗的书 X射线:让我们永远铭记伦琴 诺贝尔奖:国际最高荣誉奖 空调:这里四季如春 齐奥尔科夫斯基公式:造就了一位火箭之父 “飞行者”1号 第一只电子管诞生 相对论:科学的新纪元 真空三极管:“放大”了的电子世界 洗衣机:解放妇女劳动力 “毛里塔尼亚”号:海上“移动城市” 同位素:提示元素新奥秘 磁悬浮列车:会“飞”的列车 霓虹:不夜的明珠 维生素:让生命之树常青 人造棉:大众消费大众爱 第一条汽车生产线:每一分钟生产一辆车 大陆漂移说:大陆本是一整块的 噬菌体:细菌的天敌 环流图案:勾勒出大气层运动的轨迹 卡介苗:赶走结核病 彩色胶片:把你的微笑留下 冰箱:开启了一个“清凉世界” 环球飞行:让梦想升空 量子力学:揭开微观世界的奥秘 电视:打开新世界的窗户 青霉素:细菌的克星 地幔对流:大陆漂移的内在动力 石英钟:精确把握每分每秒 拉链:天衣无缝 微波通信线路:科技进步的“催化剂” 电子显微镜:人类的第三只眼 心脏起搏器:给人的心脏加把力 高速公路:要想富,先修路 尼龙:开辟了纺织新天地 雷达:人类的“千里眼“ 图林机:图林的杰出贡献 射电望远镜:让我们走进太空 圆珠笔:书写工具之王 无籽西瓜:满足人类新口味 首座核反应堆:人类登陆原子新世界 人工肾脏:人造的血液清洗厂 原子弹爆炸:“小玩意儿“震惊世界 埃尼阿克:信息时代的启明星 核磁共振:打开“黑箱“的钥匙 碳14测年法:考古学的时钟 微波炉:炊用炉具的革命 晶体管:人类微电子革命的先声 信息论:让信息传播更灵通 信用卡:一卡行天下 录像机:昔日重来 氢弹爆炸:推动人类和平利用核能 DNA破译:提示生命奥秘的金钥匙 核潜能:隐蔽杀手 第一座核电站:恶魔变天使 避孕药:为优生优育作出杰出贡献 人造地球卫星:开发高远位置资源 激光:人类的希望之光 第一台工业机器人:人类忠实的耕耘者 第一颗气象卫星:看云识天气 抽水马桶:冲去生活的烦忧 “东方“1号:加加要飞离地球 夸克模型:构成物质的基本粒子 断手再植:中国医生的创举 IBM360:身家50亿美元的电脑 杂交水稻:开创稻谷培育新纪元 电视电话:天涯若比邻 人工合成胰岛素:中国人的骄傲 心脏移植:把我的心放在你的心里 板块构造说:地球像积木 深海钻探:海底世界真奇妙 智能机器人:像人一样聪明 因特网:将世界连成一家 “阿波罗”飞船:从地球到月球 “质子”号火箭:将人类送入太空 PC的诞生:计算机走向大众 CT扫描仪:20世纪的“照妖镜” 光纤通信:信息高速公路的基石 游戏机:电子时代的时尚娱乐 移动电话:现代“顺风耳” 中子弹:但愿它的诞生就是终结 试管婴儿:人类的新孩子 告别天花:恶梦完了 “哥伦比亚”号:人类的登天之梯 乙肝疫苗:人类健康有保障 数字式电视机:未来电视的雏形 五笔字型:中国汉字再创辉煌 多媒体:电脑魔术师 人类基因组工程:掀开生命天书 环球网:21世纪的大众媒体 “生物圈”2号:去别的星球生活 信息高速公路:新世纪的生存之道 三峡工程:高峡出平湖 航天器对接:科学在太空握手 克隆羊:生物学界的大地震 “探路者”号:首访火星的使者 人机对弈:挑战人类自我 阿尔法磁谱仪:寻找宇宙起源 “曙光”号升空:建设国际空间站 后记相关书评: 瞬间的意义 / 阿源(《中国图书商报》) 科学的丰碑伟大的瞬间 / 路甬祥 《科学改变人类生活的一百个瞬间》出版 / 摘自《新闻出版报》 《科学改变人类生活的100个瞬间》一年连印八次 / 《中华读书报》 科学改变人类生活的100个瞬间


氧化反应运行,直到抑制作用 国家的决赛。3小时后,催化剂 通过添加一个解决方案是重新启用氢氧化钾的 反应混合物直到pH 9日是达到的。这 pH值被进一步保持不变在平时的方式 激活。立即的反应重新启动 而剩下的葡萄糖被进一步氧化 (图3)。这个结果是一致的第二阶段 假设。对Dgluconic自选择性 酸是非常...

翻译如下:By then,the country's "green agriculture" centering on water and land will reach its full capacity,imposing the grim challenge of supplying a population of more than 1 billion with food.到那时,这个国家注重“水上种植”以及“土壤种植”的绿色农业将会满负荷运作,十亿人口的粮...

1. Mankind has entered the 21st century, science and technology, economic knowledge and information industry has seen an initial clue, especially in information technology and network technology very rapidly and the development and wide application of social politics, economy, military, cultu...


请高手帮忙用英语翻译一下这篇文章急需,很急 很急
英:You know, we in the way the strait, the arm is going to shake off 汉:下面是我们给你写的一封信,希望你能 英:Below are we give you to write a letter, I hope you can 汉:来中国 英:To China!汉:也许,那只是一段窄窄的海峡 英:Maybe, it's just a narrow strait ...

请高手 帮忙翻译下面的短文,谢谢哦

而且我迫不及待的想来第二回。它时髦(chic(法)时髦。流行),有风度的,完美的巴黎人啊。这的人都很友善乐于助人。在这里交通方便,地铁交错 (metro特指巴黎地铁)。这有很多大型的餐馆,酒吧和极好的商店。侵沁在法 国的气氛里是完美的。当我们住在这所酒店的时候,我们遭到很多麻烦。在10天的...

deep as sea,wide as sky.想海一样深,天空一样宽广 i need you all my life!我这一生都需要你 you are everything to me!你是我的一切 my world will```\/{be a better place because of you\/..我的世界,因为有你更精彩~人工翻译哦!~~~希望能帮忙~~~写的很深情哦~...


son and would like to fly to him any further nearby.Just abandon once, the boy lost a group of intimate friends then.The trust of is invaluable mutually, buildsing up rise trust to need to cost the very big energy, break trust but just the affair of the split second....
